Part III: Position Analysis
Please list the key work responsibilities/duties from Part I and estimate the percentage of time spent on each
duty (estimate should be based on an average week over the last year- total duties should not exceed 100%),
additionally indicate if the duty is temporary or permanent. If you are having difficulty estimating the percentage,
then list the amount of time it takes to complete the duty (for example the typical number of hours, days, weeks,
or months in a year). Only include the specific duties that are outside your current job description and are to be
analyzed and considered for reclassification, do NOT include duties that are within your job description.
EXAMPLE: State report writing and compliance auditing – 1/20/2013 - 20% - Permanent Duty OR
State report writing and compliance auditing – 12/1/2012 - 8 hours per week – Permanent Duty.
List of Responsibilities/ Duties
When did it
Percentage of Time
* If you are indicating actual time as opposed to percentage of time, please indicate whether your estimate is an estimate
of the number of hours in a day, week, or month; the number of days in a week; the number of weeks in a month; the number
of months in a year; or other combination of time.