♦Description of Project: ______________________________________________________________
♦Square footage of structure: _________________________________________________________
♦Use of building and rooms (i.e., office, warehouse, restaurant, storage, etc): _______________
♦Occupancy classification per IBC, Section 302.1, and construction type: __________________
♦Will grading or excavation be included in the project?
If so what is an estimate the amount of grading: cut ____________cy , fill ____________cy
♦Will Forest Practices be included in the project?
If so what is the estimated amount of logging: ___________ board feet
♦Are there any historical stormwater and/or geotechnical reports (prepared for previous
development)? Please Indicate Yes
□ No □
♦ Has the project been discussed during a previous Pre-Application Conference?
If yes, please indicate date. ________________________________________________________
♦ Will the building have employees? Yes □ No □ If yes, how many?______________________
♦ What is the proposed source of water? (Please indicate):
□ Proposed Individual Well, □ Existing individual well, □ Proposed water system, □ Existing Water
System, Name of existing water system:___________________________
♦ What is the proposed source of sewage disposal? (Please indicate):
□ Existing onsite sewage system, □ Proposed onsite sewage system, □ Existing sewer connection,
□ Proposed sewer connection, Name of Sewer System connected to:___________________________
♦ Will the project include signage? Yes □ No □
Yes, describe; size, material and location:___________________________________________
♦ Is there a fire hydrant located within 400 feet? Yes □ No □ If, yes include on site plan.
The following items must be included (attached):
♦ Provide two sets of proposal/plans including a floor plan. Max. paper size 11” x 17”.
♦ Provide ONE (1) copy of the site plan including all items required (see page 3)
Provide specific comments or specific questions we can help you with: ______________________