A. Site Plan: Site plans must be drawn to scale . On at least
8 ½” x 11” paper. A checklist indicating information required on
the site plan is listed in the site plan application. Incomplete site
plans will not be accepted.
B. Construction Plans: Plans must be drawn to scale,
preferably ¼” = 1’. Dimensions must be noted on the plans. A
complete set of plans shall include foundation plan, framing
plans, floor plans, cross sections, and elevations. A complete
building plan will give the building department enough
information on how your project will be constructed. If you plan
to construct a log home, pole building greater than 864 square
feet, or a metal structure, calculations stamped by a Washington
State licensed engineer or architect, will be required. Also,
masonry or concrete structures, may require an engineered
design. The building official may require additional drawings,
details, sections, or stamped-engineered calculations and/or
C. Directions to Site: Provide accurate directions to your
project site. This information will be used by staff when they
review the project and by building inspectors.
D. Structural Engineered Calculations: Will be required
if the proposed structure does not meet conventional
construction standards. Include 2 sets with your building permit
E. Road Access Permit: May be required if accessing a
public road or right of way. Contact Mason County Public
Works for county maintained roads at (360) 427-9670, ext. 450
for more information. For state highways contact Washington
State Department of Transportation at (360) 874-3050.
F. Washington State Energy Code and Ventilation &
Indoor Air Quality Code (WSEC & VIAQ): Refers to
energy envelope calculations and air quality code compliance.
G. Existing On-Site Septic System: Documentation of an
approved on-site sewage system will be required. An existing
system must have records and a pumpers report, dated within
the last three years, per Mason County Health Services Policies.
These policies are case/job specific if you have any questions
please contact Environmental Health at (360) 427-9670 ext.
H. Septic Approval or Sewer Permit: A Septic design
application must be approved by the Mason County
Environmental Health Department prior to permit issuance for all
single family developments using septic systems. If sewer is
available, sewer permits can be obtained by calling Mason
County Utilities at (360) 427-9670 ext. 296.
I. Water Availability: The local water purveyor must
complete a water availability application if the project will be
connected to a public water system. Private well systems
require a water well report, or capacity test, and bacteriological
test dated within the previous 12 month period.
J. Site Pre-Inspection: Resource lands and critical areas
checklist. Includes a site visit by a planner to identify critical
areas on a site.
K. Aquifer Recharge Areas: Areas where water infiltrates
the soil to the groundwater table. Call Planning Department,
extension 352.
L. Critical Area: Critical areas include shorelines, flood
plains, streams, wetlands, important wildlife habitat areas and
landslide hazard areas (such as steep slopes and marine
bluffs). The planner may need to visit your site to decide
whether a buffer zone is required between the critical area and
the proposed structures. Please mark the corners of proposed
structure(s) with flags or stakes.
M. Geotechnical Study: A geotechnical assessment or
report will be required if the parcel is located within a Landslide/
Erosion Hazard Area.
N. Wetland: Areas that are inundated or saturated by surface
water or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to
support, under normal circumstances, a prevalence of
vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions.
Wetlands generally include swamps, marshes, bogs, and similar
O. Buffer: An area of land or designated for the purpose of
insulating or separating a structure or land use from a critical
area or resource land in such a manner as to reduce or mitigate
any adverse impacts of the developed area.
P. Parcel Number: a 12-digit tax assessment number
assigned to each parcel by the Assessor’s Office.
Q. Legal Description: This describes the parcel of land
identified by the 12-digit tax identification number. It is
acceptable to submit a brief legal description of the parcel as it
appears on record at the Assessor’s office. Legal descriptions
are used to check the dimensions of a parcel and any
underlying restrictions such as setbacks from property lines or
easements, lot coverage, or height of buildings.
R. Address: Site addresses are assigned through the Mason
County Department of Community Development, for more
information (360)427-9670 ext. 291.
S. Contractor Registration Number: Contractors must be
licensed with the state. The contractor license number can be
obtained from the general contractor that will be performing the
work or through the Labor & Industries website at:
An owner can be an owner-contractor when building on his or
her own property.
T. SEPA: The State Environmental Policy Act, RCW 43.21C
and implementing State and County administrative rules.
U. Fire Apparatus Access Road: Mason County
Standards require a fire apparatus access road for every facility,
building, or portion of a building that is more than 150 feet from
an existing approved access road. When the new fire apparatus
road is installed, it is to extend to within 150 feet of any portion
of the exterior walls of any building. Fire apparatus Access
Roads Ordinance and details are available. To request a copy
call (360) 427-9670 ext. 352