Olympic Region Clean Air Agency
2940 Limited Lane NW
Olympia, WA 98502
(360) 539-7610 • FAX (360) 491-6308
South Bend Office (360) 942-2137
Port Townsend Office (360) 338-6419
Demolition and renovation projects within Clallam, Grays Harbor, Jefferson, Mason, Pacific, and Thurston
counties REQUIRE A PERMIT and require that the following conditions be met prior to the demolition.
Olympic Region Clean Air Agency (ORCAA) regulations define a demolition project as the wrecking, razing,
leveling, dismantling, or burning (by a fire department for training purposes) of a structure, making the structure
permanently uninhabitable or unusable. Renovations include the removing of load bearing structural members,
but not to the extent to make the structure uninhabitable.
The following information is merely a reference guide and not a substitute for agency regulations.
1. A good faith asbestos survey is required for any demolition. The survey must be conducted by a certified Asbestos
Hazardous Emergency Response Act (AHERA) building inspector. Qualified contractors and inspectors may be
found in your local Yellow Pages, through the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries, or on
ORCAA’s website.
2. Asbestos samples must be sent to a NVLAP Laboratory (National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program) per
40 CFR 763.87. A list of labs can be found on ORCAA’s website.
3. The start date on other structure demolitions must be at least 10 working days from the submission date of the
complete application and payment.
4. It is the responsibility of the property owner and/or demolition contractor to ensure there is no asbestos-containing
material present in the structure to be demolished.
5. Any and all structures on the same parcel of property that are not proposed to be demolished must be identified as
6. A copy of the asbestos survey and approved Demolition Permit must be kept on site and be available for review by
Agency inspection personnel.
7. The original demolition permit will expire 1 year from start date. If the permit expires and the project is not complete,
you must submit and pay for another demolition permit. Under no circumstances will a project be extended beyond 1
year from original submission date.
In addition to Agency requirements, most building departments require a demolition permit (separate from ORCAA’s
Demolition Permit). The Washington State Department of Labor & Industries and the local fire authorities may also require
notification for asbestos removal projects.
”Owner Occupied Residential Dwelling” means any single family housing unit which is permanently or seasonally
occupied by the owner of the unit both prior to and after the proposed project. This term includes houses, mobile homes,
trailers, houseboats, and houses with ‘mother-in-law apartment’ or a ‘guest room.’ This term does not include structures that
are demolished or renovated as part of a commercial or public project; nor does this term include any mixed-use building,
structure, or installation that contains a residential unit, or any building that is leased or used as a rental, or for commercial