S:\GS-Resource Development\Final Process Docs\PIW_0807121.docx
Grant Project Idea Worksheet (PIW)
1) Describe the population to be served: Include target population and number to be served.
2) Documentation of need: What evidence is there that supports the need for the project? Evidence
needs to focus on student need. What is the problem as it relates to students? Does this problem exist
within a certain population?
3) Research of the literature: List publications that you would like to use as reference that addresses the
need and shows support the project idea. Is there something that you would like to replicate from
another college or part of the U.S. or world?
4) Project Goal: What is the goal for this project? What are you aiming for? (For more information
regarding goals, outcomes, objectives visit RDO development page at ValenciaCollege.edu
5) Project Objectives: State in measurable terms, what are the project objectives? How many students?
What will you see as a result of this project? Use percentage of change or number of students. Think
of S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Reasonable, Time sensitive)
6) Expected outcomes: What are the anticipated results as they relate to the objectives?
7) Activities: Outline the activities to be conducted to reach the project objectives.
8) Steps of the process: What steps or methods will be used to carry out the project activities?
9) Timeline: Develop a schedule for carrying out the project.
S:\GS-Resource Development\Final Process Docs\PIW_0807121.docx
10) Estimated budget: Itemize and total funds.
11) Institutional resources: List resources, facilities, services the institution will provide for the project.
12) Project Director or Principal Investigator: Suggested name the responsible person for carrying out the
project and list credentials.
13) Uniqueness of the project: What makes this special and different?
14) Evaluation: There are two types of evaluations included in the proposal. Formative evaluation is a
part of the implementation plan which includes methods to evaluate program progress. Summative
evaluation measures achievement of the outcomes.
15) Collaborations: List internal partners and external partners agencies, individuals who will
contribute to the project and how.
16) Link the funding source purpose and priorities: How does this project serve the funding source’s
interests and meet their priorities?
S:\GS-Resource Development\Final Process Docs\PIW_0807121.docx
Working Title:
Submitted by:
Immediate Supervisor Name:
Immediate Supervisor’s Comments & Questions:
Copies to your Campus President or your Vice President
Immediate Supervisor signature:
Suggested Content Members:
Institutional Research Representative:
Student Services Representative:
Content expert(s) within college:
Support Staff:
Content expert(s) outside of college:
Date Received:
Reviewed by:
Staff Assigned:
For more information contact the Resource Development Office at (407) 582-2906. Email completed
form to grantsadmin@valenciacollege.edu