August 4, 2016
Form 51
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Purdue University Northwest
PC Local Area Network Request for Access (F
orm 51)
Requester Information
Full Name:
Department: Building/Room: Phone:
Regular FT/PT
Purdue Employee Tem
p. Staff Student Worker
Job Title:
Hire Date:
Access Requested
E-mail A
ccount Account
for use by Staff of PNW Affiliates
for E
-mail Account Request Only
Default E-mail Lists
#PNW_All_Faculty_and_Staff, #PNW_Open_Forum
(A full list of available Lists and Owners can be found at
Default Network Drive Access
All_PNW_Staff, G_(your building), G_VPN_STAFF_NETWORKMODE
Additional Network Drive Access
Request access to: (i.e. G_FSOP, G_CSSAC)
Delegate Access
ccess to other mailbox:
for Account Privileges Request Only
Student Password Res
et/Unlock Accounts
Staff Password R
eset/Unlock Accounts
Full Time Server A
dmin Access
Student Server Admin Access
Full Time Operator
Student Operator
Server Privilege
Other (PCI Workstations)
for use by Staff of PNW Affiliates Request Only
Name of A
Location: Building/Room: Phone:
Job Title: Ac
count Expiration Date:
You should read the IT Res
ource Acceptable Use Policy before you sign this form.
I accept the responsibility for protection of and correct use of any access granted me to any Purdue University Northwest data.
I agree to use my Purdue University Northwest accounts for computer activity related to employment at Purdue Northwest and
understand that account authorization is non-transferable and will be revoked upon termination of employment. I understand
the requirements stated in the IT Resource Acceptable Use Policy (
viia2.html) and will follow them.
Requester Signature
click to sign
click to edit
August 4, 2016
orm 51
Page 2
Reason(s) for access:
Authorizing Signatures
I hereby authorize the requester to access the PC Local Area Network for the purpose of fulfilling duties related to
employment at Purdue Northwest/their work for the affiliated organization identified above.
Head/Supervisor Signature (Print and Sign) -Required Date
for Account Privileges Request:
I hereby authorize the requester the special privileges on the PC Local Area Network for the purpose of fulfilling duties related
to employment at Purdue Northwest.
I will request that special privileges are removed upon termination of employment.
Director Signature Date
Please return completed form to IS Operations in Powers 218 or Fax to (219) 989-2755.
To remove privileges, please e-mail the CSC ( to create a request to remove special privileges for this
For IS Operations Use Only
Career Account \ Network Login Name (UserID):
E-mail Address: (must be lowercase)
Outlook display name:
Date created:
Created by:
for Account Privileges Request:
Please route abo
ve to the Server Admin Team via ticketing system.
List of Privileges Granted:
Server Administrator:
Date of Privileges Granted:
If you have trouble accessing this document because of a disability, please contact the Customer Service Center at (219) 989-
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
click to edit