Hammond Campus
2200 169th Street * Hammond, IN 46323
(219) 989-2301 * pnw.edu
Westville Campus
1401 S. U.S. Hwy 421 * Westville, IN 46391
(219) 785-5460 * pnw.edu
Staff Child And Staff Spouse Remission Policy
Please refer to Executive Memorandum No. C-7
• If a staff member’s appointment terminates within six weeks after the start of the semester or prior to July 1
during the summer session and course work is continued, full student fees must be paid for the semester or
summer session.
• If staff member is an Official Retiree of the University or disabled, they need to send the complete application
to Human Resources for verification.
• Remission will not cover any special fees, technology fees, lab fees, deposits, workshop fees and differential fees.
• Part-Time Lecturers and Visiting Scholars are not eligible for fee remissions.
Staff Child Remission
Staff Children Are: (1) Natural children, stepchildren, legally adopted children, or eligible foster children who
have not reached their 25th birthday prior to the term for which they will next enroll, who are unmarried and
are dependents of the employee as determined for federal income tax purposes with respect to the qualified
tuition reduction income exclusion or by a qualified child support order. Stepchildren and legally adopted
children must have had this status for at least one full year at the time of enrollment to be eligible for this
benefit. (2) Such children who have not received or completed requirements for a baccalaureate (or equal)
degree from a four year degree granting institution; and (3) such children who are eligible for admission and
retention under existing University policies.
• Parent or guardian is employed in a regular half-time or more position or an active duty member of the Armed
Forces with duties performed on a Purdue Campus or disabled and receiving short-term or long-term disability
benefits or retired or deceased and eligible to receive benefits as outlined in Executive Memorandum No.B-35.
• Student must be a full or part-time degree seeking undergraduate student.
• Student must not have earned a baccalaureate or professional degree from any institution.
• Student must be seeking a degree offered by the Northwest, West Lafayette or Fort Wayne campuses.
• Student must be under 26 years of age to initially obtain the remission.
• Students who are enrolled and turn 26 years of age will be eligible for the fee remission as long as they are
continuously registered.
Staff Spouse Remission
• The staff member must have been employed on a continuous basis for at least two years before the spouse is
eligible for the remission. (First day of the semester constitutes the cut off date.)
• The remission rate will apply for a maximum of seven (7) credit hours for Spring and Fall semesters and four (4)
credit hours for the Summer session. Full fees will be assessed on each hour over the limit.
Remission applies to undergraduate and graduate courses.
• The regular spouse fee remission does not apply to graduate staff; however, non-resident graduate staff
spouses are eligible for remission of non-resident tuition.
Note: Please make sure to obtain both the employee and department head signatures on this application.
Forms will not be processed without proper certification. Return the completed application form to
Human Resources.