Outstanding Volunteer Award
Please use this form to submit your nominee for the City of Kannapolis Outstanding Volunteer Award. Send the completed
form to City Clerk Bridgette Bell - bbell@kannapolisnc.gov. Call 704-920-4303.
The award honorees will be announced at City Council meetings.
Nominees must be 21 years or older and a resident of Kannapolis.
Nominees must have a history of volunteerism in Kannapolis for a minimum of one year.
Outstanding Volunteers are selected based on the volunteer’s efforts, commitment of time, impact on the community and
enhancement of the lives of others.
(You may attach additional sheets if necessary).
Nominee Information
Nominee’s Name: ______________________________________________
Nominee’s Address: ______________________________________________
Your Information
Your Name: ______________________________________________
Your Address: ______________________________________________
Your Email: ____________________ Your daytime phone__________________________
Reason for Nomination (Nominee’s leadership abilities, skills, qualities):
Please describe the nominee’s outstanding commitment to volunteerism. Include details of
people/organizations served, length of time served, details on what they do as a volunteer,
time commitment, etc.
Please describe how the nominee has impacted the lives of others and thus the City of
Kannapolis. Give specific examples.
Please describe the impact of the nominee’s service. How has their volunteerism helped meet
a critical need in his/her community and/or the
Your signature_____________________ Date____________________________
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