Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal Form
Student: _________________________________________ ID No. ________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________
City: __________________________ State: _____________________ Zip: _________
Phone Number: ______________________ E-mail address: _____________________
Please indicate the semester you are appealing to have your financial aid reinstated:
Semester__________________ Year _________________
Have you previously submitted an appeal: Yes No
1. In order to retain eligibility for financial aid students are required to maintain a
cumulative GPA of 1.5 or better for 1-36 hours attempted and a 2.0 or better for
more than 36 hours attempted and maintain a 67% completion rate. In addition,
students must complete their program of study within 1.5 times the published time
frame for their program of study. Students whose financial aid has been
terminated due to failure to maintain satisfactory progress standards may submit
an appeal by completing the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Appeal Form.
2. An appeal will be granted only if you can document extenuating circumstances
that prevent you from meeting the Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards.
3. Appeals submitted without documentation will not be considered. Documentation
may include, but is not limited to, one or more of the following: statement signed
by a physician with dates of treatment/hospitalization verifying that your medical
condition significantly impacted your ability to successfully complete the
semester; death certificates or obituary; statement from employer on letterhead
and signed by a supervisor, etc.
4. Please provide a typed explanation stating the reason(s) for your appeal. Indicate
how your circumstances have changed so that you can comply with the policy
in the future. Please remember to attach your documentation to this form
5. All appeals will be reviewed by the SAP Financial Aid Review Committee. The
SAP Financial Aid Review Committee does not meet with students or supporting
parties; therefore, it is important for you to provide all information requested on
the SAP Appeal Form.
Revised 06/02/15
6. The SAP Committee will meet once a month. In order for your appeal to be
reviewed by the committee, your appeal must be submitted by 12:00 noon on
the last Wednesday of the month. Appeals will not be granted for previous
semesters. Appeals can only be reviewed for the current semester for which
you are seeking enrollment. No appeals will be retroactive.
7. Completed SAP Appeals Forms should be mailed, faxed, emailed or hand
delivered to:
Nash Community College
Financial Aid Office
P.O. Box 7488
522 North Old Carriage Road
Rocky Mount, NC 27804
Fax: 252-451-8401
8. You will be notified at the end of the following month via your campus e-mail
once a decision has been made.
Name of Program: ___________________________________________
Hours Attempted: _________________ Hours Completed: _______________
Completion Rate: _________________ GPA: ______________
Hours required for program: ____________ Maximum: ______________
Notes: ______________________________________________________________
Appeal Approved Appeal Denied Date: _______________