Conduct regular cleaning and disinfection at least after every shift, daily, or more frequently as
needed, and frequent cleaning and disinfection of shared objects (e.g. tools, machinery) and
surfaces, as well as high transit areas, such as restrooms and common areas, must be completed.
What policies will you implement to ensure regular cleaning and disinfection of your worksite and
any shared objects or materials, using products identified as eective against COVID-19?
C. Communication. To ensure the business and its employees comply with communication requirements,
you agree that you will do the following:
Post signage throughout the site to remind personnel to adhere to proper hygiene, social distancing
rules, appropriate use of PPE, and cleaning and disinfecting protocols.
Establish a communication plan for employees, visitors, and customers with a consistent means to
provide updated information.
Maintain a continuous log of every person, including workers and visitors, who may have close
contact with other individuals at the work site or area; excluding deliveries that are performed with
appropriate PPE or through contactless means; excluding customers, who may be encouraged to
provide contact information to be logged but are not mandated to do so.
Which employee(s) will be in charge of maintaining a log of each person that enters the site
(excluding customers and deliveries that are performed with appropriate PPE or through contactless
means), and where will the log be kept?
If a worker tests positive for COVID-19, employer must immediately notify state and local health
departments and cooperate with contact tracing eorts, including notification of potential
contacts, such as workers or visitors who had close contact with the individual, while maintaining
confidentiality required by state and federal law and regulations.
If a worker tests positive for COVID-19, which employee(s) will be responsible for notifying state and
local health departments?
Rotation of toys, individual craft boxes for all children. No soft cloth items.
Disinfecting of outdoor play equipment.
Am/pm cleaning, disinfecting and sanitizer schedule.
Nightly professional cleaning schedule.
The logs will be kept at the front desk.
Manage by Stacey Albitz, Director
Sherri Felix, Office Manager
Thao Smith, Staff support team member.
Stacey Albitz, Center Director
Sherri Felix
Thao Smith