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5. For the year 20____/20____, the anticipated educational expenses are
_______________________ after all scholarships, grants and non-repayable financial aid is deducted.
(Note: You must provide documentation at or before the court hearing).
6. The child(ren) has/have special medical, hospital or dental expenses. Specifically:
7. The parties are capable of paying for a portion of the reasonable educational expenses,
including tuition, room and board, transportation, fees, books and supplies, and special medical, hospital
or dental expenses.
8. My gross (before tax) weekly income is $______________ per week.
9. The ____________________ has a gross (before tax) weekly income of $______________
per week.
10. I am seeking an Order for the payment of college expenses and/or special medical, hospital
or dental expenses for the child(ren).
WHEREFORE, I request that this Court:
a. Set this matter for hearing for the purpose of determining contribution towards college
expenses, special medical, hospital, or dental expenses.
b. Direct the parties to produce proof of income, including last year’s W-2’s and tax returns
and year-to-date paystubs.
c. Enter an Order for college expenses and special medical, hospital, or dental expenses.
d. Modify the existing order of current support for the child(ren).
Grant all further and proper relief in the premises.
I affirm under the penalties of perjury that the foregoing representations are true.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Signature Date
I hereby certify that I sent a copy of the Petition by first class mail to the opposing attorney, or
the opposing party if the opposing party is not represented by an attorney, on _____________________.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Signature Date