8709 Highway 59
Beasley, Texas 77417
(979) 387-3662
Date: _____________
RENTER: _____________________________________ (Co-Drivers:)_____________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________________
Contact Phone: ______________________________ Alt Phone: ________________________________
Place of Intended Use: __________________________________________________________________
TOW VEHICLE: _____________________________________ License Plate #_______________________
STOCK # ____________ DESCRIPTION: ___________________________________________________
SERIAL NUMBER # ___________________________________
Deposit Required:
_____________ (returned to Renter upon return of Trailer without Damage)
Rental Rate: ____________ for per (day / week) for rental period ____________ (days / weeks).
Late Fee Rental: ________ per day thereafter. DATE/TIME OUT: _____________ DUE: ______________
1. The RENTER shall keep and maintain the rented trailer during the terms of the rental period at
customers own cost and expense. Customer shall keep the trailer in a good state of repair during the
rental period.
2. The RENTER shall pay the OWNER full compensation for full replacement of any trailer which is not
returned because it is lost or stolen and/or repair including parts & labor, of any trailer which is
damaged and in need of repair to put it into the same condition it was in at the time of rental. The
OWNER’s invoice for replacement or repair is conclusive as to the amount RENTER shall pay under this
paragraph for repair or replacement.
3. The RENTER shall inform the OWNER upon demand, of the exact location of the trailer at any time
while it is in the RENTERS’s possession. Trailers are not to be taken outside the State of Texas without
prior WRITTEN consent from Houston Trailers, Inc. (the “Owner”).
4. The trailer shall be delivered to RENTER and returned to OWNER at the RENTER’s risk, cost and
expense. If a periodic rental rate is charged by OWNER, rental charges are billed to the RENTER for each
period or portions of the period from the time the trailer is delivered to RENTER until its return. If a term
rental rate is charged by OWNER, rental charges are billed to the RENTER for the full term even if the
trailer is returned before the end of the term. If the trailer is not returned during or at the end of the
term, then the rental charges shall continue a full-term basis for any additional term or portion thereof
until the trailer is returned.
5. No allowance will be made for any rented trailer or portion thereof which is claimed not to have been
used. Acceptance of returned trailer by OWNER does not constitute a waiver of any of the rights OWNER
has under the rental agreement.
6. If the RENTER is in default of any of the terms and conditions of this agreement, the OWNER, and his
agents, at the RENTER’s risk, cost and expense may at any time enter the RENTER’s premises where the
rented trailer is stored or used at all time and recover the rented trailer.
7. The RENTER shall not pledge or encumber the rented trailer in any way. The OWNER may terminate
this agreement immediately upon the failure of RENTER to make rental payments when due, or upon
RENTER’s filling for protection from creditors in any court of competent jurisdiction.
8. The OWNER makes no warranty of any kind regarding the rented trailer, except that OWNER shall
replace the trailer with identical or similar trailer if the trailer fails to operate in accordance with the
manufacturer’s specifications and operation instructions. Such replacement shall be made as soon as
practicable after RENTER returns the non-conforming trailer.
9. RENTER indemnifies and holds OWNER harmless for all injuries or damage of any kind for
repossession and for all consequential and special damages for any claimed breach of warranty.
10. The RENTER shall pay all reasonable attorney and other fees, the expenses and costs incurred by
OWNER in protection its rights under this rental agreement and for any action taken OWNER to collect
any amounts due the OWNER under this rental agreement.
11. These terms are accepted by the RENTER upon delivery of the terms to the RENTER or the agent or
other representative of RENTER.
DATE: ______________________
RENTER: ____________________
OWNER: ____________________
Houston Trailers, Inc.
Copy: Driver’s License, Proof of Insurance, Credit Card.
Collect: Deposit, Payment for Anticipated Rental Period
DATE: _____________ PERFORMED BY: _________________________
ELECT PLUG: 7, 6, 4, CONDITION: 1-10_____
LIGHTS: CLEARANCE _________________________
PAINT CONDITION: COLOR___________ 1-10_____
LOCK CONDITION: 1-10______
WALL EXTERIOR: 1-10_____
WALL INTERIOR: 1-10_____
SWITCHES: 1-10_____
ROOF A/C FUNCTION (or N/A): 1-10_____
FLOOR: MATERIAL___________ 1-10______
POWER CORDS: ________________________
Renters Initials ___________ Owners Initials ____________
Trailer Rental Policies
Care & Cleaning of Trailer
All rentals are made with the understanding that normal wear and tear is included in the rental rate.
However, any damage from misuse or improper care will be charged for. Our rental rate structure
anticipates all trailer being returned clean or additional charges will be made.
Deposits are required for any item rented unless credit has been established in advance. Deposit can be
paid for with an approved credit or debit card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express). We also
accept prepaid credit cards, cash, or checks for deposits.
TiresRoad Damage - Flat Tires
Before operating rental trailer, check the jobsite for debris or terrain that could cause damage to tires,
and be aware of roadway debris and/or damage that could cause tire damage to the trailer. In most
instances, damage to tires are caused by conditions on a job site or roadways and as such payment for
ALL tire repairs is considered the responsibility of the customer. In the event of a flat tire, the customer
can call a tire repair company of their choice or Houston Trailers can call a tire repair company on behalf
of the customer, at the sole expense of the Customer. Houston Trailers is NOT responsible for Tire
Damage during the rental period. Please inspect tires prior to rental for good operating condition.
Operating Condition of Trailer
We will perform an inspection WITH you prior to delivery. But in the event that the trailer you've rented
is not operating as it should or has a problem, please contact Houston Trailers immediately. Phone (979)
Continuing to run the trailer with a malfunction can cause excess wear, tear, and damage and will also
result in extra time spent attempting to complete your transportation project. Please help us take care
of our trailer, and help you get your transportation project done properly, but addressing any and all
malfunctions or problems as they occur.
If you do not call to inform us of the problem with the trailer and wait to inform us when you return the
trailer when it is scheduled to be due, you may be held responsible for the full cost of the rental unit or
repairs required to return it to operational condition.
Identification & Insurance
Renting a trailer from Houston Trailers requires identification on all trailer rentals as follows:
1. Valid Texas state driver's license or Military ID or Texas State ID card
2. Year, make and license # of renter's tow vehicle
3. Proof of insurance.
It is always a good idea to reserve the rental item in advance. All reservations will be held for 30
minutes. Some reservations require a deposit. Some seasonal items may only be available to reserve at
the store's opening time. Houston Trailers may not have all rental items in stock. Most can be reserved
upon return for your convenience with an advance reservation and deposit.
Past Due
Rented trailer is considered past due if not returned by the due date and time listed on the rental
Rental Days & Prices
A rental day is 24 hours. Trailers are charged for time out, not time used. Overtime will be charged at
the industry standard rate of one-sixth the daily rate per overtime hour unless otherwise instructed.
Please email or call for current rental prices. All prices are subject to change without notice.
Weekend Rental Rates
Rental rates are generally charged based on the amount of time the trailer is out, not time used.
However, as our store is closed on Sunday, trailers picked up Saturday between 9:00 PM and 4 PM and
returned on the following Monday by 9 AM will be charged 1 1/2 days. A similar rate structure would
apply when our stores are closed for in observance of holidays.
Overnight Rates
In order to qualify for an overnight rate, you must pick up the trailer during the last hour of business
and return it during the first hour of business the following day
Authorized Agents
Customers may send authorized agents to rent trailer on their behalf. Your authorized agent must 18
years-of-age or older per our insurance company policies. If you have not arranged for prepayment of
the deposit prior to the rental, your authorized agent must use their personal credit or debit card to pay
the deposit. In the event, you have not rented from us before; we ask that you set up the rental ahead
of time in person at our store for identification purposes. Once you have been set up in our system, you
may call the store with a credit to prepay the deposit and set up the rental for your authorized agent to
pick up.
Towing Requirements
Our insurance carrier establishes our minimum towing requirements for our rental trailers. Based upon
information provided by insurance sources indicating a high correlation in accidents/claims involving
short wheelbase tow vehicles and tandem axle trailers Houston Trailers, Inc. must use the following
Tandem axle trailers, including tow dollies, require a tow vehicle with a minimum wheel base of 133
inches. The wheelbase measurement being made between the front and rear axle centers. This will
also apply to towed trailers with a gross vehicle weight (GVW) in excess of 2000 lbs. In addition, some
larger/heavier trailers will require a 3/4 ton or larger chassis.
Most 20' or larger trailers require a minimum 3/4-ton, full size, domestic pick-up truck with a 133 inch
minimum wheel base. Notable exceptions to this are the Ford Excursion and ¾-ton Chevrolet Suburban
meeting the minimum wheelbase requirements.
Hitch Requirements
An adequate hitch is also necessary. For tandem axle trailers, all trailers greater than 3500 lb. GVWR, a
minimum, class 3, receiver type hitch is required. Except, where a "factory" mounted step bumper,
having the proper ball, has a rating beyond the requirement, and is of the proper height (15 to 18 in.). A
hitch or bumper (factory mfg.) is rated to its' capacity, not that of the vehicle, which may be less. A
single piece, solid, machined ball, with proper shank diameter must be used. Bushings to increase the
shank size should not be used.
Houston Trailers, Inc. reserves the right to decline the use
of any vehicle we feel may not be appropriate.
Delivery Policies
Call ahead to make arrangements (for an additional fee) to have one of our truck drivers deliver the
trailer right to you. Our drivers also take the time to show the basic operating functions of the trailer
before heading off on their next run.
Delivery charges are subject to change and in many cases based on the distance the delivery site is from
the store. Please call Houston Trailers to confirm the cost of delivery to your area.
Rental rates on delivered trailer are a minimum 1-day charge. Customer must call store to request pick-
up of trailer. Houston Trailers does not automatically pick up trailer when the rental is scheduled to
end. Failure to call store for pick up on time will result in additional charges for rental of the trailer
based on the time the trailer was out of the yard.
Responsibility for Damage or Loss; Reporting to Police.
You are responsible for all damage to, or loss or theft of, the trailer, including damage caused by
weather, road conditions and acts of nature, whether or not you are at fault. You are responsible for the
cost of repair or the actual retail cash value of the trailer if it is not repairable or if we deem it
unrepairable. You are responsible for Loss of Use, Diminished Value, missing equipment or parts, and a
reasonable charge to cover our administrative expenses connected with any damage claim. You must
report all accidents involving the Trailer to us AND the Police within 4 hours of occurrence or discovery.