510 CHAPTER 22
A HUMAN PERSPECTIVE On September 28, 2000, riots broke out in
the city of Jerusalem. The cause was a visit by an Israeli political leader
to a Jewish holy place at a location on the Temple Mount. Muslims also
have a holy place on the Temple Mount. They viewed the visit by the
Israeli leader as disrespectful to Muslims. Hundreds of people died in
the civil unrest that followed.
To understand why a simple visit to a holy place would cause such
problems, it is necessary to understand the deep-seated hostility Arabs
and Jews feel for each other. They have an enormous disagreement over
the control of the city of Jerusalem and of the land called the Occupied
Territories. (See the map on page 480.) In fact, the relations between
Arabs and Jews affect the entire region of the Eastern Mediterranean.
Religious Holy Places
Three major monotheistic religions—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—
were founded in Southwest Asia. All three claim Jerusalem as a holy city.
The City of Jerusalem, which covers 42 square miles, has
Jewish, Christian, Armenian Christian, and Muslim sec-
tions. Followers of all three religions come to the Old
City to visit locations with strong spiritual meaning.
JEWISH PRESENCE For Jews, Jerusalem, the capital of
Israel, is the center of their modern and ancient home-
land. Located in the old part of the city, the Temple
Mount once housed the religion’s earliest temples.
There, King Solomon built the First Temple. The Second
Temple was constructed after the Jews returned to their
homeland in 538
B.C. Modern Jews come to pray at the
holiest site in Jerusalem, a portion of the Second Temple
known as the
Western Wall—also called the Wailing
Wall. It is the only remaining piece of the Second
Temple, which was destroyed in
A.D. 70 by the Romans.
CHRISTIAN HERITAGE For Christians, Jerusalem is the
sacred location of the final suffering and crucifixion of
Jesus. Towns and villages important in the life of Jesus
are found near Jerusalem. Every year, Christians visit
places like the Mount of Olives and the Church of the
Holy Sepulchre by the thousands. When Jerusalem was
under Muslim control, Christians launched the
Crusades to regain the lands and place them under the
The Eastern
Main Ideas
• The holy places of three
religions are found in this
• There is a great deal of
political tension among
nations in this subregion.
Places & Terms
Western Wall
Dome of the Rock
Palestine Liberation
Organization (PLO)
Connect to the Issues
religious conflict
Creation of the nation of Israel
led to conflict in the region.
PLACE Christian pilgrims walk
on the road to the Mount of Olives
on a holy day—Palm Sunday.
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The Eastern Mediterranean 511
control of Christians. Eventually,
the lands returned to the control
of Muslims and remained that
way until the nation of Israel was
established in May of 1948.
Mecca and Medina, Jerusalem is
considered the third most holy
city to Muslims. A shrine there,
Dome of the Rock, houses
the spot where Muslims believe
the Prophet Muhammad rose into
heaven. Jews believe it is the site
where Abraham, a Jewish fore-
father, prepared to sacrifice his
son Isaac to God. The Dome of the
Rock and a nearby mosque, Al-
Aqsa, are located on the Temple Mount next to the Western Wall.
Because these most holy sites are so close together, they have been the
site of clashes between Jews and Muslims.
A History of Unrest
The nations of the Eastern Mediterranean have been plagued with a
history of political tension and unrest. The Ottoman Empire, a Muslim
government based in Turkey, ruled the Eastern Mediterranean lands
from 1520 to 1922. But the Ottoman Empire grew weaker and less able
to solve problems with groups seeking independence. By the beginning
of the 20th century, its collapse was not far away. The Ottoman Empire
sided with Germany during World War I. At the end of the war, the
Ottoman Empire fell apart. Britain and France received the lands in the
Eastern Mediterranean as part of the war settlement.
THE LEGACY OF COLONIALISM After World War I, Britain and France
divided the Ottoman lands in the Eastern Mediterranean region. France
took the northern portion, including the present-day countries of
Lebanon and Syria. Britain controlled the southern section, which
included the present-day nations of Jordan and Israel. Britain and
France were supposed to rule these lands until they were ready for inde-
pendence. During the time of their control, the French frequently
played different religious groups against each other. Those tensions
remain in the region today. The Syrians hated the French and in the
1920s and 1930s rebelled against them. Lebanon became independent
in 1943, and Syria gained independence in 1946.
BRITISH CONTROL PALESTINE The land controlled by Britain was
known as Palestine. In the 19th century, a movement called
began. Its goal was to create and support a Jewish homeland in
Palestine. Jewish settlers started buying land and settling there. By
1914, just before World War I, about 12 percent of the population in
Palestine was Jewish. After the war, the British took command of the
region and continued to allow Jewish immigration to Palestine. Early
The League of
Nations gave the
Ottoman lands to
France and Britain.
PLACE Muslim visitors
gather at the Dome of
the Rock, a holy site in
the city of Jerusalem.
How did control of
Jerusalem change
over many centuries?
Connect to
the Issues
What prob-
lems might
emerge when
three different
religious groups
claim the same
area as a holy
A. Answer Each
group may want
exclusive use of
the area, angering
the other groups.
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Tel Aviv-
Gulf of
Tel Aviv-
Gulf of
British mandate
French mandate
Present day Israel
Occupied by Israel
0 50 100 kilometers
50 100 miles
Lambert Conformal Conic Projection
0 50 100 kilometers
50 100 miles
Lambert Conformal Conic Projection
512 CHAPTER 22
on, Arabs and Jews in the region cooperated. But as more and more
Jews poured into Palestine to escape persecution in Germany, the Arabs
resisted the establishment of a Jewish state. In 1939, to reduce tensions
the British halted Jewish immigration to Palestine.
As you study the map on this page, you will see that the area con-
trolled by the British was divided into two sections—Transjordan and
Palestine. The land was divided to relieve tensions between Arabs and
Jews. An Arab government jointly ruled Transjordan with the British.
Britain controlled Palestine, along with local governments that included
both Jews and Arabs.
CREATING THE STATE OF ISRAEL At the end of World War II, thou-
sands of Jewish survivors of the Holocaust wanted to settle in Palestine.
Palestine was considered the Jewish homeland. World opinion sup-
ported the establishment of a Jewish nation-state. Britain eventually
referred the question of a Jewish homeland to the United Nations. In
1947, the United Nations developed a plan to divide Palestine into two
states—one for Arabs and one for Jews.
Arabs in the region did not agree with the division. However, the nation
of Israel was established on May 14, 1948. Immediately, the surrounding
Arab nations of Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and
Yemen invaded Israel to prevent the establishment of the state. Jewish
troops fought back. By the 1950s, Israel was a firmly established nation.
The 1948 war was the beginning of hostilities that continue to this day.
1922 Today
Creation of Israel
SKILLBUILDER: Interpreting Maps
PLACE Which bodies of water form a natural boundary between Jordan and Israel?
PLACE Which three areas are occupied by Israel?
Using the Atlas
Use the Atlas
on page 480.
How was the land
Israel occupied in
1967 different
from the land it
held in 1948?
B. Answer Israel
held more land
and occupied
certain Arab
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The Eastern Mediterranean 513
Caught in the middle of this turmoil were Palestinian Arabs and
Christians. Many of these people had roots in Palestine that went back
for centuries. They either fled their homes or were forced into
UN-sponsored refugee camps just outside Israel’s borders. The land des-
ignated for the Palestinians on the West Bank and Gaza Strip is under
Israeli control. In the 1960s, the
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)
was formed to regain the land for Palestinian Arabs. Over the years, the
PLO has pursued political and military means to take possession of
Arab land in Israel and allow refugees to return to their homes.
Modernizing Economies
The nations in the Eastern Mediterranean subregion are relatively
young. Most became independent shortly after World War II. Cyprus
received its independence from Britain in 1960. These nations face
many economic problems. Political divisions, refugees,
lack of water, and a weak infrastructure make it difficult
to develop healthy economies.
REFUGEES AND CIVIL WARS The creation of Israel
produced a large number of Palestinian refugees.
Today, those refugees and their descendants total
almost 3.6 million people. They are scattered across
many of the countries in the region. Some still live in
UN-sponsored camps.
Many of the refugees have struggled to find adequate
food and shelter. Many of them are unemployed.
Providing education and other services for them is dif-
ficult for nations such as Jordan, one of the poorest in
the region—and the one with the largest Palestinian
refugee population.
Civil wars in Lebanon and Cyprus have also caused
huge economic problems. Lebanon, a more developed
nation, was hard hit by a civil war that lasted from
1975 to 1976. The conflict widened to include other
nations, and in 1982 Israel invaded Lebanon. Some
Israeli troops remained in Lebanon until 2000.
MODERN INFRASTRUCTURE All of the nations of the
Eastern Mediterranean subregion have great potential
for development. They have a good climate for produc-
ing citrus crops and many places for tourists to visit.
They are well located for connections to international
markets in Europe, Asia, and Africa.
What many of them lack, however, is an infrastructure
that would support a growing economy. Roads in war-
torn areas, for example, must be rebuilt. Especially
needed are irrigation systems to make the area bloom.
Better communication systems and power sources are
needed for developing high tech industries in the region.
Israel has been able to build sophisticated industries
such as computer software development.
The island of
Cyprus has two
countries. One is
controlled by
Greek Cypriots
and one by Turkish
Cypriots. Only
Turkey officially
recognizes the
Turkish republic.
Palestinian Refugee
In 1949, the UN authorized
the creation of 53 Palestinian
refugee camps. The camps were
supposed to be used only for a
short time until the Palestinians
were resettled. That was over
50 years ago. Today, most of the
Palestinians living in the camps
were actually born there and
have never been to the lands
designated for the Palestinian
The camps house upwards
of 35,000 people and some as
many as 50,000 people. The
UN and other nations provide
money for education and health
care needs. Since the Israeli
government restricts all travel
for work, economic opportuni-
ties are very limited.
A refugee is a
person who leaves
home or country
to find safety in
another location.
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514 CHAPTER 22
Modern Life
Modern life in the Eastern Mediterranean is a curious blend of old and
new. Strong cultural traditions exist but they are combined with changes
that were brought about by modern innovations. Cell phones, comput-
ers, and Internet access are increasingly common. One aspect of life here
that remains quite traditional, however, is the dining experience.
EATING OUT, EATING IN Eating in restaurants in Eastern Mediterranean
countries is not as common as in the United States. Some restaurants
have separate sections for men and women. Cafes serving coffee and tea
are generally for men only. Most meals are eaten in the home. Families
and sometimes friends gather to have meals. The last meal of the day is
usually served between 8 and 11
Typically, a meal begins with small portions of hummus, ground
chickpeas mixed with lemon juice and parsley, and baba ganouzh, an
eggplant dip served with pita, a flat bread with a pocket. A salad called
tabbouleh, made of bulgur (cracked wheat), parsley, onions, mint, toma-
toes, and lemon juice, is common. Chicken or lamb is more likely to be
served as a main course than beef. Many meals are finished with fresh
fruit or sweets such as kolaicha, a sweet cake made of barley flour, sugar,
oil, and cardamom seed. Thick coffee or tea is also served. The host of a
dinner may not eat with the guests so that he can attend to all their
needs during the meal.
A VARIETY OF CULTURES Muslim Arabs make up the majority of
people who live in the countries of the Eastern Mediterranean.
However, in several nations, especially Lebanon and Israel, there is a
variety of cultures.
This young woman is a member of the Israel Defense Forces.
Unmarried Jewish young women are required to serve for two years.
They serve in various parts of the armed forces, in jobs such as tank
instructors, helicopter pilots, military police, rescue workers, and
office workers. They are not permitted to serve in active combat units.
Service in the armed forces helps build unity and identity for Israelis.
If you lived in Israel, you would pass these milestones:
You would go to school from
age 5 to age 15.
At age 14, you would choose
between going to a technical
school or a more academic
You could begin working
at age 15.
You could drive at age 17.
You could get married at
age 17.
You would enter the armed
forces at age 18: men for 3
years, women for 2 years.
In what ways
is the dining
experience in this
region different
from that of the
United States?
C. Answer In
the U.S., many
families eat out
regularly. Men
and women are
not separated in
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The Eastern Mediterranean 515
Since the seventh century,
Lebanon has been a refuge for
both Muslims and Christians.
Many of the Muslims there are
Shi’ites, as compared to the
Sunni majorities in many of the
other nations in this region. A
small group of Druze also live
in Lebanon. This tightly knit
group is very secretive about its
religious practices. The mem-
bers live in the mountainous
areas of Lebanon and also in Israel and Syria. Christians of the Maronite
tradition (Roman Catholics following Eastern Orthodox practices) and
the Eastern Orthodox tradition make up a large minority in Lebanon.
Together, these groups present a wide variety of cultures and religious
practices. The variety makes it difficult to build unity in the country.
Israel is a land with a tremendous variety of immigrants. The major-
ity of immigrants are Jewish, and they arrive from all over the globe.
They come from the United States, Eastern Europe, the Mediterranean
region, Russia, and Ethiopia. The focus of Jewish culture helps to draw
most of this diverse group together.
In addition, Israel is home to Arab Muslims of several different
groups. Bedouins live in the Negev Desert. Druze, Sunni, and a group
called Circassians come from the Caucasus Mountains area. Also living
in Israel is a small number of Christians and people following the
Baha’i faith. The combination of all these groups brings a variety of lan-
guages and lifestyles to Israel.
In the next section, you will learn about countries in this region with
ethnic backgrounds that are Turkish or Persian.
Places & Terms
Explain the meaning of
each of the following
Western Wall
Dome of the Rock
Palestine Liberation
Taking Notes
PLACE Review the notes you took
for this section.
What are some religious holy
places found in this subregion?
What factors have made it
difficult to develop this
subregion economically?
Main Ideas
a. How did colonial rule set
up tension in the
b. What impact have refugees
and civil wars had on mod-
ernizing the economies of
this subregion?
c. In addition to Muslims,
what other groups live in
the Eastern Mediterranean
Geographic Thinking
Determining Cause and
Effect How did the creation
of the nation of Israel
increase tension in the
subregion? Think about:
religious differences
division of Palestine
See Skillbuilder
Handbook, page R9.
MAKING COMPARISONS Review the maps on page 480 and page 512. Create a series
of four sketch maps that show how the state of Israel changed between 1922 and 1976.
Write a caption on each map describing the change from the previous map.
Seeing Patterns
How might the
small size of Israel
and Lebanon
affect the way
groups of people
living there relate
to each other?
PLACE A woman
walks along the
beachfront of
Beirut, Lebanon.
How does Lebanon’s
relative location
make it a refuge
for Muslims and
D. Answer
Because space is
so limited, it may
cause friction
between groups,
or it may force
them to get along
so that there is
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