Faculty Name:_________________________ Dept:________________________ Date:___________
The Board of Trustees’ Statement of Policy on Multiple Positions limits a full time faculty member’s assignment
during the annual leave period in the summer to a maximum of three-ninths of the faculty member’s annual salary. In
order to ensure compliance with this limitation, the faculty member must complete this form and submit it to his/her
Department Chair before beginning any summer assignments and provide an updated form is any changes occur.
Please note that there is an additional restriction that compensation for any single month during the summer may not
exceed 1/9
of the faculty member’s annual salary.
1. Summer Teaching Assignments *1 Credit = 15 Semester Hours
Semester Hours*
____________ X ___________ = ___________________
#hours Hourly Rate
2. Summer Non-Teaching Assignments
____________ X ___________ = ___________________
#hours Hourly Rate
3. Summer Chair Assignment (Chairs Only)
(__________÷ 9) X (________ ÷ 120) = ___________________
Annual Salary #hours worked
4. Summer Grant Salary ___________________
5. Other CUNY Summer Employment ___________________
6. Total Summer Compensation from CUNY (Add 1 through 5) ___________________
7. Permissible Summer Compensation from CUNY
____________ X 3/9 = ___________________
Annual Salary
NOTE: Line 6 must be less than Line 7.
_____________________________________ ______________________________________
Signature of Faculty Member Date Signature of Department Chair Date
Signature of Vice President & Provost/Designee
AAHR: Blankforms