Name: Corporate Name:
Firm Location: Business District Residential Area Shopping Center
Street Address:
State: Zip:
E-mail: Web Address:
Primary Contact Name:
Primary Contact Phone: Primary Contact Email:
Name of Sole Owner(s): Active: Yes No
Name of Principals/Ocers:
Name: Title: Active: Yes No
Name: Title: Active: Yes No
Date of Incorporation: Number of Employees: Full-time: Part-time:
How did you hear about the American Gem Society?
Are you a client of AGS Laboratories? Yes No
Do you own any other jewelry stores in the same city or other cities? Yes No
If yes, list additional location addresses and number of employees on a separate sheet.
Do you operate a wholesale, loan or pawn business out of your retail operation? Yes No Percentage:
Does your rm possess a binocular gem microscope? Yes No
I understand that if “No” has been indicated above, our rm will be required to purchase a binocular gem microscope upon election.
Initials of Firm Principal:
American Gem Society
Titleholder Application
In order to best protect the consumer through knowledge and ethics, and maintain membership of the rm, each American Gem Society
Retail Firm member must have at least one individual, either the principal or a full-time employee, satisfy the requirements for the Registered
Jeweler (RJ) title. e individual must have completed, or be enrolled in, the Applied Jewelry Professional (AJP) program and the 5-day
Diamond Grading Laboratory or 5-day Gem Identication Laboratory through GIA, or equivalent education through Gem-A or other
approved institutions. Following the prerequisite education, the individual must successfully complete the AGS Way course to earn the
RJ title. is individual has two years from the date of election to complete the required studies to receive their title. Please complete
the following for the full-time employee who will become an American Gem Society titleholder:
Applicant Name:
Street Address: City: State: Zip:
Phone: E-mail:
Please list the gemological courses completed, and please be sure to include the dates. If these were GIA courses, please provide
student number:
GIA Student #:
Courses Completed:
Please complete the following sections and/or provide the necessary documentation in order to complete your membership application:
Diamonds and precious gemstones Approx.____%
(including mounted or loose gemstones and cultured pearl jewelry)
Karat gold jewelry Approx.____%
Costume and fashion jewelry Approx.____%
Watches Approx.____%
Silver, silver-plate, stainless steel Approx.____%
China and crystal Approx.____%
Repairing and engraving Approx.____%
Appraisals Approx.____%
All other departments Approx.____%
(if greater than 10%, explain on a separate sheet)
Merchandise: Indicate the percentage of sales to total business volume.
Photos: Photographs of the interior and exterior of your rm (and branches if applicable), and a photo of your binocular
gem microscope (if you possess one).
Appraisal: Sample of a completed appraisal, if applicable.
Letter Describing Your Business: Please write one to two paragraphs on your company stationary describing your business
policies and standards, and why you wish to join the American Gem Society.
Letters of Recommendation: Retail Firm members must submit three (3) letters of recommendation from active American Gem
Society members with at least one (1) letter from a Retail Firm member. Please list the members we can contact on your behalf to assist
in collecting these letters.
Consumer Protection: Has your rm ever had a case before the Better Business Bureau, Federal Trade Commission, Jewelers
Vigilance Committee or other such municipal, county or state consumer protection agencies? Yes No
If yes, please submit information on a separate sheet.
Jewelers Board of Trade (JBT) Report: I understand that the American Gem Society can request a Jewelers Board of Trade (JBT) report
about our rm. If not listed with JBT, a credit report and/or credit references will be provided by our rm. Members of the American Gem
Society must comply with United Nations Resolutions to purchase diamonds from legitimate sources not involved in funding conict.
Initials of Firm Principal: ___________
Total Gross Business Volume: For all locations during the last scal year (12 months) (for dues billing purposes only).
Payment Option: Please select the payment plan for your rm below. To learn more about the payments available in each plan, please
contact the Membership Department.
6-Installment 12-Installment Pay-in-Full
Please note there is a $2.50 fee per installment.
I hereby certify that the above statements and information are complete, true and accurate and understand that the correctness of the
accuracy of the above statements and information and verication of the same are to be construed as a condition of precedent to
membership. I authorize an investigation of the credit report of the above rm and of the above statements and information and
authorize the release of information concerning damages or liabilities which might result from issuance of a credit report or from the
verication or attempted verication of the above information and statements. If elected to membership, I agree to abide by the Articles
of Incorporation, Standards and Bylaws of the American Gem Society.
Firm Principal Signature: Date:
I give the American Gem Society permission to share the email address on this application with other American Gem Society members.
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