Listening Session Summary Form – for use after completion of your listening session.
Use as much space or additional sheets to capture observations as you need!
Rev. C Page 2 of 2
Synod Consultation Participation
Describe who participated in the session by answering the questions below. Please feel free to roughly
11. How many total people participated in this sessions?____________________
12. How many session participants were from each of the following age groups?
0-13 (children and early adolescents)
14-17 (high school youth)
13. How many participants were from each of the following ethnic, race, or culture groups?
Ethnic, race, or culture group
African American/Black/African
Native American/American Indian/Alaskan Native
Pacific Islander or Native Hawaiian
14. How many participants were from each of the following gender groups?
15. What other groups were unique or notable in their participation? (Describe and list the number of