OMB Control Number: 3245-0415
Expiration Date: 12/2021
A lender in the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) can use this form to request (1) reinstatement of a PPP loan that was
cancelled in SBA’s ETRAN system due to the lender’s data input error, or (2) correction of the lender’s data input error in
the SBA Loan Approval Amount of a PPP loan on ETRAN or the Paycheck Protection Platform (Platform), subject to
availability of funds. SBA will rely on the information submitted on this form to evaluate the lender’s request.
Under Section 145.3 of OMB Circular A-11, Preparation, Submission, and Execution of the Budget (7/10/20), SBA may
correct data input errors after the PPP program authority expires. See also 31 U.S.C.
§ 1553(a). Other types of requests
for PPP loan reinstatements or PPP loan amount changes, such as reinstatements of PPP loans that were intentionally
cancelled or requests for PPP loan increases, are not permitted. Lenders are not required to submit this form for decreases
in the SBA Loan Approval Amount of a PPP loan; the lender can perform that function in SBA’s ETRAN system.
Following are examples of lender requests for reinstatement or correction that can be submitted on this form:
Reinstatement Examples
Example 1: A lender approved a PPP loan and received an SBA loan number through ETRAN or the Platform.
The borrower signed a PPP note and sent it to the lender. The lender fully disbursed the PPP loan to the
borrower. While attempting to report the loan as fully disbursed, lender erroneously reported the loan as
cancelled on SBA Form 1502 instead.
Example 2: A lender approved a PPP loan and received an SBA loan number through ETRAN or the Platform.
The lender’s system contained two applications from the same borrower. While attempting to delete the
duplicative application from the lender’s system, the lender mistakenly cancelled the approved loan in ETRAN.
Lender Data Input Error Correction Examples
Example 1: A lender approved a PPP loan and received an SBA loan number through ETRAN or the Platform.
The SBA Loan Approval Amount in ETRAN was $100,800. The lender disbursed $100,800 to the borrower.
The lender mistakenly decreased the SBA Loan Approval Amount in ETRAN to $100,400 and mistakenly
reported that amount as disbursed on SBA Form 1502. The $400 decrease in the SBA Loan Approval Amount
in ETRAN was a data input error by the lender, and the lender requests on this form that the SBA Loan
Approval Amount be restored to $100,800.
Example 2: A lender approved a PPP loan and received an SBA loan number through ETRAN or the Platform.
The SBA Loan Approval Amount in ETRAN was $590,000. Before loan closing, the lender determined that
the correct maximum loan amount was $550,000, a difference of $40,000. The lender disbursed $550,000 to
the borrower. When the lender corrected the SBA Loan Approval Amount in ETRAN, the lender mistakenly
entered $500,500 instead of $550,000. The lender requests on this form that the SBA Loan Approval Amount
be corrected to $550,000, the amount actually disbursed by the lender.
This form must be signed and certified by a Senior Vice President or equivalent Authorized Lender Official of the
lender that is the current PPP lender of record. (The Senior Vice President or Authorized Lender Official must be
an officer of the lender and cannot be a Lender Service Provider.) The lender must submit a separate form for each
PPP loan for which a reinstatement or correction is requested. Submit this form and all supporting documentation to the
appropriate SBA Loan Center. SBA may request additional documentation after reviewing the form.
Paperwork Reduction Act You are not required to respond to this collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB
Control Number. The estimated time for completing this questionnaire, including gathering data needed, is 30 minutes. Comments about
this time or the information requested should be sent to Small Business Administration, Director, Records Management Division, 409
St., SW, Washington DC 20416, and/or SBA Desk Officer, Office of Management and Budget, New Executive Office Building,
SBA Form 3512 (06/2021)
Part A Reinstatement or Correction Request
On behalf of the Lending Institution named below, I am requesting reinstatement or correction of a PPP loan.
Lending Institution That Is the Current PPP Lender of Record
SBA Lender Location ID Number
Legal Name of Borrower
SBA PPP Loan Number
TIN (EIN, SSN, ITIN) of Borrower
SBA Loan Approval Date
SBA Loan Approval Amount
To request reinstatement of a cancelled PPP loan, complete Sections 1 and 3. To request a correction of a
lender data input error in the SBA Loan Approval Amount, complete Sections 2 and 3.
Section 1. Reinstatement Request
Was the loan cancelled in SBA’s ETRAN system? Y
as the loan disbursed?
f Yes, provide PPP loan disbursement date (mm/dd/yyyy):
as the loan reported to SBA as fully disbursed on SBA Form 1502?
f Yes, provide the date the loan was reported to SBA as fully disbursed (mm/dd/yyyy):
ovide the date the loan was cancelled in SBA’s ETRAN system (mm/dd/yyyy):
Was the cancellation due to lender’s data input error? YES NO
hat is the SBA Loan Approval Amount to be reinstated?
Section 2. Lender Data Input Error Correction Request
Is this a request to correct the SBA Loan Approval Amount of a PPP loan? Y
as the loan reported to SBA as fully disbursed on SBA Form 1502?
If Yes, provide the date the loan was reported to SBA as fully disbursed (mm/dd/yyyy): _____________
What amount was reported to SBA on SBA Form 1502 as the fully disbursed amount? $____________________
hat amount was disbursed to the borrower?
s this correction necessary due to lender’s data input error?
hat is the correct SBA Loan Approval Amount?
Section 3. Lender Explanation of Error
Provide a detailed explanation of the error, including the reasons it occurred and how and when it was discovered.
Attach all documents that support the lender’s request, including, if applicable, evidence of the amount of the PPP
loan disbursed to the borrower, the date of the disbursement, and evidence that the PPP loan is outstanding.
SBA Form 3512 (12/2020)
Part B Certification of Authorized Lender Official
I certify that:
The information provided above and in the attached documents is true and correct.
My institution has complied with all applicable PPP lender obligations for the loan referenced above.
My institution confirms the accuracy and completeness of all prior lender submissions to SBA on the
referenced loan, with the exception of the error(s) described above.
I am a Senior Vice President or an equivalent Authorized Lender Official, I am an officer of the lender
named below, and I am authorized to provide this certification on behalf of the lender named below.
Lender (current PPP lender of record)
______________________________________ ____________________________
ignature of Authorized Lender Official Date
__________________________________________ ____________________________
rint Name of Authorized Lender Official Title
______________________________________ ____________________________
Email Address Phone Number
SBA Form 3512 (12/2020)
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