CRMR1 01/18
If you disagree with a decision for:
l Housing Benefit please contact your local authority
l Child Benefit, Guardian’s Allowance or Tax Credits please contact
Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs
If you disagree with a decision made by the
Department for Work and Pensions
About this form
You can use this form to ask for a Mandatory Reconsideration if you
don’t agree with a decision. This means a decision maker will look at
your claim again and see if the decision was right or wrong.
It’s important we make the right decision. To help us do that, this form
will ask you to:
l tell us the reasons why you think the decision is wrong, and
l give us any new information that we haven’t seen already
It is easier to call
You can ask for a Mandatory Reconsideration over the phone. Your
claim will be looked at in exactly the same way. It’s much quicker and
you can explain why you think the decision is wrong over the phone,
without needing to fill anything in. The phone number to call is at the
top of your decision letter.
If you want to ask for a Mandatory
Reconsideration in writing
You can use this form to ask for a Mandatory Reconsideration. There is
a booklet to help you fill in this form called CRMR1A. It explains what
information you need to include and has examples of the types of
information we can consider. You can read it online at
When you complete the form:
l Please use black ink to fill in the form and write in BLOCK CAPITALS
l You can type your information instead of writing if it is easier
for you
l Everyone must complete Parts 1, 4 and 5
l Only complete Part 2 if you are filling in the form for someone else,
such as a child or a person you represent
After you fill out the form
l Please print the form and sign it
l Post the form back to the address at the top of your decision letter
l Send any other relevant evidence at the same time
l We will send you a text message or letter to tell you we have
received your form
l A different decision maker will look at your claim and any new
information you provide. If they can change the decision, they will.
It’s important you understand that the amount you are awarded
could go up, down or stay the same. Your benefit could also be
l When we have made our decision, we will send you a letter called a
Mandatory Reconsideration Notice.