About the estate continued
Did the deceased make any of the following:
a gift, on or after 18 March 1986, where they continued
to benefit from, or had some right to benefit from, or
use all or part of the asset ?
a gift, on or after 18 March 1986, where the person
receiving the gift did not take full possession of it?
No Yes
an election on form IHT500 ‘Election for Inheritance Tax
to apply to asset previously owned’ that an Income Tax
charge should not apply to:
• assets they previously owned, in which they retained
a benefit
• the deceased’s contribution to the purchase price of
assets acquired by another person, but in which the
deceased retained a benefit?
If you answered ‘Yes’ to any part of this question,
stop filling in this form. You will need to fill in
form IHT400 instead.
Did the deceased have the right to receive the benefit
from any assets held in a trust that were treated as
part of their estate for Inheritance Tax purposes?
If you answered ‘Yes’, and the deceased:
• was entitled to benefit from a single trust, and
• the value of the assets in that trust, treated as part
of their estate, was less than or equal to £150,000
include the value of the trust assets in box 9.3.
But if the value was more than £150,000, or there
was more than one trust, stop filling in this form.
You will need to fill in form IHT400 instead.
Did the deceased own or benefit from any assets
outside the UK?
If you answered ‘Yes’, include the value of the overseas
assets in box 9.5. But if the value of the overseas assets
is more than £100,000, stop filling in this form.
You will need to fill in form IHT400 instead.
Did the deceased pay premiums on any life insurance
policies that were not for their own benefit or did not
pay out to the estate, and did they buy an annuity at
any time? Ignore any policies paid out to a surviving
spouse or civil partner
If you answered Yes, stop filling in this form.
You will need to fill in form IHT400 instead.
Did the deceased have any kind of pension
arrangement other than the State Pension?
If you answered ‘No’, go to the next section
‘Deceased’s assets at the date of death’.
Did the deceased change or dispose of their pension
in the 2 years before they died? Ignore any pensions
paid to a surviving spouse or civil partner
If you answered ‘Yes’ to this question, stop filling in this
form. You will need to fill in form IHT400 instead.
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