How would you like your tax return package delivered to you? Email Electronic (PDF) Paper
Spouse's Information
Name: Name:
Date of Birth: Date of Birth:
Address: Address :
(If different)
( )
( )
Email: Email:
Marital Status as at December 31 Spouse's net income:
Single Separated
Married Common Law
Divorced Widow
Marital status changed during the year? Yes No
If yes - date of change:
Yes No
If yes, provide the legal name of the person:
Name SIN Email/Phone
______________________________ ________________ _______________ _______________
______________________________ ________________ _______________ _______________
______________________________ ________________ _______________ _______________
You are a Canadian citizen Yes No
You are a U.S. citizen or green card holder Yes No
Did you become (or cease to be) a resident of Canada for tax purposes during the year? Yes No
If yes, date of entry/departure:
Yes No
Yes No
Basic Information - complete ONLY if there were changes
Dependent information
We will be returning all original documents and receipts after preparation of your income tax return(s).
(Provide only if spouse T1 not prepared by Smythe - line 236 on
page 3 of his/her tax return)
Date of Birth
Do you, your spouse or any of your dependents qualify for the Disability Tax Credit?
Do you want your tax refund deposited directly to your bank account
As a Canadian citizen, can the CRA provide your name, address, date of birth and citizenship to Elections Canada?
Deductions and Credits
Employment (T4) Interest paid on student loans $___________________
Employment insurance (T4E) Union/professional membership dues $___________________
Pension, retirement, annuity and other income (T4A) Child care expenses $___________________
Old Age Security (T4A(OAS)) Adoption expenses $___________________
CPP/QPP (T4A(P) Moving expenses $___________________
RRSP, PRPP, DPSP, RPP, RRIF (T4RSP/T4RIF) Accounting/legal/investment counsel fees $___________________
Investment income (T5) Interest paid to earn investment income $___________________
Mutual funds/estates/trusts (T3) Spousal support payments $___________________
Partnership income (T5013) Child support payments $___________________
Support payments received $___________________ Charitable donations $___________________
Interest on loans receivable $___________________ Political/municipal contributions $___________________
Stock Options Please provide agreements RRSP contributions $___________________
Home Buyers Plan withdrawals or repayments $___________________
First time homebuyer
Tuition fees (T2202A)
Flow through shares(T101)
Nursing home/attendant care costs $___________________
Other sources of income (please provide details):
Other expenses/deductions/credits (please provide details):
________________________________ $___________________ ________________________________ $___________________
________________________________ $___________________ ________________________________ $___________________
________________________________ $___________________ ________________________________ $___________________
________________________________ $___________________ ________________________________ $___________________
Schedule 1:
Employment expenses
Schedule 2:
Business/professional income/expenses
Schedule 3: Vehicle expenses (for Business & Employment)
Schedule 4: Home office expenses (for Business & Employment)
Schedule 5: Rental Property
Schedule 6: Sale of Real Estate
Schedule 7: Sale of Investments/Assets (other than real esate) - not including RRSP, TFSA or other registered plans
Schedule 8: Foreign Investments (foreign property/assets with a total cost greater than Canadian $100,000?)
The following schedules are provided in the following pages. Complete the applicable schedules or provide the necessary documents
Lifelong Learning Plan withdrawals or
Information to provide
Medical/other paid disability expense (net of
reimbursements from extended benefit plan)
Canadian and Foreign Sources of Income
Schedule 1 Schedule 2 - complete for each separate business
Name of business (other than personal name)
Type of business
Did you earn commissions, salary or both? Did you generate income from a website? Yes No
Commission If yes, please provide:
Salary Website address:
Both Website address:
% of Gross income earned from websites
Travel $_________________
Did you have partners in your business?
Parking $_________________ If yes, please provide:
Partner Name
SIN % Owned
Supplies (stationery, other)
Salaries paid to an assistant
$_________________ GST business number
Are we preparing your GST return?
Office rent
Pre-GST GST Total
Accounting & legal*
$_________________ Revenue $_________ $_________ $_________
Advertising & promotion*
$_________________ Expenses $_________ $_________ $_________
Meals & entertainment*
$_________________ Advertising $_________ $_________ $_________
Rental of office equipment*
$_________________ Meals & entertainment $_________ $_________ $_________
$_________________ Bad debts $_________ $_________ $_________
Vehicle expenses
Complete Schedule 3 Insurance $_________ $_________ $_________
Home office expense
Complete Schedule 4 Interest & bank charges $_________ $_________ $_________
Other (please provide details):
Licenses, dues, memberships & subscriptions
$_________ $_________
Office expenses
$_________ $_________
* Applies to commission employees only.
Accounting, legal & other professional fees $_________ $_________ $_________
Schedule 3 Rent
$_________ $_________
VEHICLE EXPENSES (used for Business/Employment)
Repairs & maintenance $_________ $_________ $_________
If purchased, leased or sold in the year, include relevant agreements.
Year & make of vehicle ______________________
$_________ $_________
Purchase/sale price ______________________
Date of purchase/sale ______________________
$_________ $_________
Date lease began/ended ______________________
$_________ $_________
Kms driven for business purposes
$_________ $_________
Total Kms driven ________________
$_________ $_________
$_________ $_________
Vehicle expenses Complete Schedule 3
Home office expenses
Complete Schedule 4
Fuel $___________________
Capital equipment purchases (computer, desk, etc)
Repairs & maintenance $___________________ $_________
$_________ $_________
$_________ $_________ $_________
Insurance $___________________ $_________
$_________ $_________
Licensing & registration fees
Schedule 4
HOME OFFICE (for Business & Employment)
Loan interest $___________________
Total square footage of area used for business?
Total square footage of home?
Lease payments $___________________
Utilities (Heat/Hydro/Water)
Parking $___________________
Repairs & maintenance
Other ___________________________ $___________________
Property tax
Internet (cable excluded)
Other ___________________________
Mortgage interest $________________
Expenses you are required by your employer to pay to earn employment income which have
not been reimbursed.
Your employer should provide you with T2200-Declaration of Employment Conditions.
Please include a signed copy and keep one on file.
Yes No
Did you change the use of a property during the year (rental to personal use or vice versa)?
Yes No
If yes, we will contact you. We will need the address, date of change, and possibly the fair market value on the date of change.
Was the property used for short-term rentals (Airbnb)? Yes No Was the property ever your principle residence?
Yes No
If yes, we will
contact you.
Did you own the property with partners? If yes, please provide: Did you own the property with partners? If yes, please provide:
Partner Name
SIN % Owned
Partner Name
% Owned
Include the Statement of Adjustments if purchased in the year Include the Statement of Adjustments for BOTH the sale and purchase OR
If the statements are not available, complete the remaining schedule as follows:
__________________________________________ __________________________________________
Rental income $______________ Date Purchased _________________
Purchase price $________________
Advertising $______________ Property transfer tax $________________
Insurance $______________ Legal costs paid on purchase $________________
Mortgage interest $______________ Additions and/or major improvements
Office expenses $______________ $________________
Accounting, legal & other professional fees $______________
Date Sold _________________
Management & administration/strata fees $______________
Sale price $________________
Repair & maintenance $______________
Legal costs paid on sale $________________
Salaries, wages & benefits $______________
Commission paid on sale $________________
Property taxes $______________
Other ______________________________ $________________
School Taxes
Other ______________________________ $________________
Travel $______________
Other ______________________________ $________________
Utilities $______________
Other _________________________________ $______________
Major renovations & purchases (ie: appliances)
Schedule 7
SALE OF INVESTMENTS AND ASSETS (OTHER THAN REAL ESTATE) (Not including investments held in your RRSP, TFSA or other registered plans)
Sale of investments includes: shares, conversion of loans/notes to shares, sale of cryptocurrency, share for share exchanges, etc.
Investment advisor contact information:
Advisor's Name:
Financial Institution:
Phone #:
Option 1: Please provide the following documents for ALL NON-RRSP or NON-registered plans:
1: December 31st investment statements
2: Realized gain/loss report covering the period from Jan to Dec,
Brokers' statement for both purchases and sale (only if realized gain/loss report is not available)
available, please provide information in the format below:
Name of Stock Purchase Date Sale Date US $ Shares Sold Sale Proceeds Cost of Shares
MM / DD / YY MM / DD / YY (Y/N) # $ $
______ / ______ / ______
______ / ______ / ______
_______________ ______________
______ / ______ / ______
______ / ______ / ______
_______________ ______________
______ / ______ / ______
______ / ______ / ______
_______________ ______________
At any time in the year, did you own foreign property/assets with a total cost greater than Canadian $100,000?
If your investments include shares held with your investment advisor, you will receive appropriate reporting information from your advisor. Provide this information to us.
If your investments are not held with you investment advisor, you will need to provide further details. For assistance, refer to the attached excerpt of Form T1135.
Did you own shares of a foreign corporation during the year (outside of your investment account(s))? If yes, please provide the following:
Name of corporation
Country of residence
% of Shares owned
Schedule 5 Schedule 6
Real Estate - Please complete the following schedules for each property