Social Media
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35 DAY
These are just a small array of post ideas you could create for your audience. They may not t who you are looking to attract and
they may need to be changed to make sense to your market. If you would like a more in depth resource on this topic, download
the social media marketing checklist and content creation downloads from the LTB members site.
Would this post make sense to the people you currently work with or the people you hope to work with?
What’s the goal behind this post? Posting for the sake of posting is rarely worth it. Have a rough idea of the purpose.
Does the post have any spelling or grammatical errors in it? Read it out loud to yourself.
Does the post have an action or task that the reader can go away and do or think about? Aim to get one into 90% of your posts.
If your goal is lead generation, try to make a point of mentioning your services and clients whenever you get the chance. People
need to know it exists and what it does.
The best way to improve your content is to review it after you’ve posted. Did it engage your audience? On reflection, could it have
been better? What might you try next time? If it performed well, take note of the post type and aim to recreate the effect in future.
Why exercise is great (beyond the physical)
Is fruit bad for you?
How to manage hunger
How to manage night time eating
How to make good choices when snacking
How to stay consistent when times get hard
What to do when motivation drops
How to get started on an exercise regime/ healthy eating
How to maintain weight loss
Why all diets work
Why it’s worth increasing your steps (neat & health benets)
Why your food environment is so important
How to track your progress
Myths of exercise/ nutrition
Will weight training make me bulky?
Take one aspect and do a focused period of posts on it (e.g.
hydration, exercise myths, nutrition myths, getting started)
Why it’s hard to lose weight and keep it off
Why exercise doesn’t just have to happen in gym
The importance of accountability
What to do when you fall off the wagon
Some Things to Remember Prior to Pressing Post
Educational Ideas
Social Media Post Ideas
Social Media Post Ideas
Client spotlights – highlight an individual client
Client achievements – no matter how small
How your training has positively impacted a clients life
outside of the gym
How one of your clients used your coaching to help them get
over a barrier
A photo or video of one of your clients doing an exercise
A photo of your clients holding up a weight plate showing
their weight loss
A photo of one of your clients living their life outside of the gym
Talk about something a client used to believe that got in their
way that they now know is wrong
Discuss how you use listening when working with clients to
learn about their goals, make changes
Talk about a client who was anxious before starting but has
now achieved great things
Use testimonials and positive feedback to show your service
helps people
Read something in the news you know is misinformation? Create a post on it.
Read a book that talked about something interesting you can relate to tness/ nutrition/ behaviour change? Create a post.
Christmas, Halloween, New Years or World Gin Day – pick something on the calendar and create a post on it.
Pick something you’ve experienced and talk about it.
Post about how you got started and why you love what
you’re doing.
Have an aspect of nutrition, training or mindset that you
struggle with that is similar to your clients? Post about that.
Show that you’re human – talk about a food you can’t get
enough of or a time you really struggled with exercise or
body image.
Talk about what you’ve learnt since you started.
Discuss your favourite food, dessert, current favourite TV
show or movie and, if possible, relate it back to something
industry based.
Run an ask me anything (AMA)
Share someone else’s work and discuss why you agree or
disagree (ensure it ts your normal narrative)
Repost an old post from up to 12 months back. Edit, update
or change if needed.
Ask a question that promotes comments.
Client Focused Ideas
Media Led
Calendar Led
Personal Experience Led
Content Ideas