Healthy Baby/Healthy Child Clinical Referral Form | October 2017
Phone: 617-534-5832 FAX 617-534-5355
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Client Basic Information
Referral Date: __________________(mm/dd/yyyy) Client ID: ________________________
What is your name? (first) _________________________ (last) ________________________________
What is your date of birth? ______________(mm/dd/yyyy) Declined to answer
What is your address? (street) __________________________________________ (apt #)______ (floor)____ (box) _____
(city)____________________________________________ (state)________ (zip)____________ (PO box #)___________
What is your mailing address? Same as above
(street) ___________________________________ (apt #)______ (floor)____ (box) _____
(city)____________________________________________ (state)________ (zip)____________ (PO box #)___________
What is your primary phone number? ( )________ Home Cell Work Do not have phone
Other, please specify: _________________
What is your secondary phone number? ( )________ Home Cell Work Friend/family
Other, please specify: _________________
What is your emergency contact information? Name _____________________ Phone number ( )________
What is your email address? ________________________________________________________________
What is the best way to contact you? Home phone Cell phone Text Email
Are you of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin? Select all that apply.
No, not of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin
Yes, Mexican, Mexican Am., Chicano
Yes, Puerto Rican
Yes, Cuban
Yes, another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin Print origin, for example, Argentinean, Colombian, Dominican,
Nicaraguan, Salvadoran, Spaniard, and so on. __________________________________
Don’t know
Declined to answer
What is your race? Select all that apply.
American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Indian Black or African American
Chinese Filipino Guamanian or Chamorro
Japanese Korean Native Hawaiian
Samoan Vietnamese White
Other Asian Other Pacific Islander
Other (please specify): _________________________________
Don’t know Declined to answer
What is your Ethnicity? List all that apply. _______________________________________________
Healthy Baby/Healthy Child Clinical Referral Form | October 2017
Phone: 617-534-5832 FAX 617-534-5355
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What is your primary or preferred language? ____________________________________________
Do you need an interpreter? Yes No
Referral Information
What is the referral type: Prenatal Postpartum SIDS/FIMR Infant Child FFI
(If Prenatal) What trimester are you currently in? How many weeks pregnant are you?
(1-12 weeks) 2
(13-26 weeks) 3
(27-42 weeks)
Program referral select all that apply: HBHC Welcome Family HSiH VIAP
How did you hear about this program? Select all that apply.
Provider (OB/GYN, primary care physician, RN) Program staff
Outreach worker Family/friend
Flyer / Brochure / Poster / Billboard Health or resource fair
Internet / social media Previous client
BHSI Site Other (please specify): _______________________
Who referred you to this program?
Provider (OB/GYN, primary care physician, RN) Program staff
Outreach worker Family/friend
Previous client I referred myself (self-referral)
Other (please specify): _______________________________
(If not a self-referral) Is the client aware of referral? Yes No
Contact person name: _______________________________________ Title: ______________________________
What is the name of the referral site? ___________________________ Phone # ( )________
What is the reason for referral? Select all that apply. (Options continue on Page 3)
Mother/ Father/ Guardian (clinical)
Advanced maternal age >35 yrs Alloimmunization
Asthma (on daily medication) Autoimmune conditions, specify: ________________
Blood disorder, specify: _____________ Cancer, specify: ______________________________
Cardiac condition, specify: _____________ Cervical Insufficiency, specify: __________________
Currently misusing substances Diabetes, specify: _____________
Enter prenatal care in the 3rd trimester Fetal malformation, specify: _____________________
Hepato-renal disease, specify: __________________ (gallbladder, fatty liver, hepatitis, pancreatic disease)
Hyperemesis Hypertension
Infectious disease, specify: __________________ Isoimmune or idiopathic thromocytopenia
Mental Health disorder: (depression, bipolar, schizophrenia, severe anxiety, maternal depression)
Please specify: _______________________________
Multiple gestation (twins, triplets, or beyond) Obesity (>30 bmi) Underweight (<19 bmi)
Placenta abnormality, specify: ________________ Preterm labor
Previous poor birth outcome, specify: __________ Previous preterm birth
Second trimester pregnancy loss Sickle cell disease
Third trimester bleeding Thyroid disease, specify: ______________
Other, specify: _______________________
Healthy Baby/Healthy Child Clinical Referral Form | October 2017
Phone: 617-534-5832 FAX 617-534-5355
Page 3 of 3
Mother/ Father/ Guardian (social)
Child support Custodial support
Employment Experienced loss of a partner/child
Housing (unstable, doubled up, shelter/motel, etc.) Lack of social network
Nutrition/ food security Parenting
Stress, specify: _______________ Teenager
Violence/abuse/neglect Other, specify: _________________
Developmental delays Environmental concerns
Hospitalization for medical condition Injury at home (other than abuse)
Low birthweight Nutrition
Prematurity Risk for developmental delays
Significant medical condition/chronic illness Under immunized
Violence/abuse/neglect Other, specify: ____________________
Child Information
Child 1
What is your child’s name? (first) ________________________________ (last) _________________________________
What is your child’s date of birth? ______________(mm/dd/yyyy)
What is your child’s sex? Female Male
Delivery type: C-section Vaginal
What was your child’s gestational age? _________
What was your child’s birth weight? ____________ (specify in pounds/ ounces)
Child 2
What is your child’s name? (first) ________________________________ (last) _________________________________
What is your child’s date of birth? ______________(mm/dd/yyyy)
What is your child’s sex? Female Male
Delivery type: C-section Vaginal
What was your child’s gestational age? _________
What was your child’s birth weight? ____________ (specify in pounds/ ounces)
Client Information
What is your expected date of delivery? ______________(mm/dd/yyyy)
Gravida: _________ Para: _________________
What is your Pediatric care site? _________________________________Provider: _____________________________
What is your Prenatal care site? _________________________________ Provider: _____________________________
What is your delivery hospital? __________________________________ Provider: _____________________________
Is this a HSIH referral? Yes No
When is the best time for a home visit? Select all that apply. Morning Afternoon After 5pm Saturday
Referral Notes: