Santa Barbara County Employees’ Retirement System
Healthcare Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA)
You may be eligible for a cash benefit to help with your healthcare expenses…
and…. SBCERS automatically enrolls you in this program when you decline or
drop all employer sponsored health insurance!
Because you have either declined or cancelled Employer-sponsored health insurances,
you are ineligible to receive the health insurance subsidy (the $15-per-month-per-year-
of-service “offset”) which the Employer provides to help pay Employer-sponsored
insurance premium. SBCERS-covered employers implemented a supplemental benefit
program on January 1, 2009, in the form of a tax-free healthcare expense
reimbursement called a Healthcare Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) account.
Your monthly supplement is credited to your HRA account each month that you are not
enrolled in the Employer-sponsored insurance, at the rate of $4 for each year of benefit
service credit you have (excluding any ARC service credit you may have purchased).
The HRA will accrue month-to-month and year-to-year and any unpaid balance will be
available over your lifetime for reimbursement of eligible healthcare expenses.
The HRA claims process is administered by WageWorks who issues reimbursement to
you. WageWorks manages your HRA account by receiving and processing your claims
for reimbursements and issuing payouts monthly. Please note that WageWorks
automatically issues payments via the same method you authorized SBCERS to use for
your monthly benefit payments. If you have us direct-deposit your monthly retirement
allowance payments to your bank account, WageWorks will direct-deposit your
reimbursements to the same bank account. Those who receive checks from SBCERS
will receive checks from WageWorks for their reimbursements.
Qualified health care expenses are defined by Section 213 of the Internal Revenue
Code and are covered in detail in IRS Publication 502. In order to receive a
reimbursement, you must submit a claim form with a copy of your proof of payment of
qualified expenses (e.g., statements and receipts). The enclosed packet contains
important additional information, including claim form(s) and a list of Eligible Expenses.
Please take some time to review the IMPORTANT information enclosed with this letter
concerning this valuable benefit. Questions about your account and claims should be
directed to WageWorks at (877) 924-3967, however if you have questions regarding the
information in this letter, you may contact your Retirement Benefits Specialist.
130 Robin Hill Road Suite 100 • Goleta, California 93117 • Phone 805-568-2940 • Fax 805-695-2755
2236 South Broadway Suite D • Santa Maria, California 93454 • Phone 805-803-8686 • Fax 805-695-2755
Health Reimbursement
Arrangement (HRA)
Retiree Pay Me Back Claim Form
(DO NOT FAX these instructions with your
The IRS requires you to substantiate all your claims with appropriate level of documentation in order to be
reimbursed. Documentation in total must show that an eligible health care expense has been incurred by you or
your eligible dependent. The documentation must show at a minimum
a) the date of coverage or expense
b) the individual covered by health coverage or the individual that incurred the expense
c) name of the provider, merchant, or insurance carrier
d) type of expense (insurance, or other eligible expense, such as medical service, prescription, over the
counter medication, etc.)
You will also be required to provide additional documentation for private health care premiums to show evidence of
payment such as copy of the front and back of a cleared check along with the providers invoice or bill.
Tips for Completing the HRA Retiree Pay Me Back Claim Form
Print, or write legibly.
Complete a separate form for your Dependent or Spouse.
Make sure you sign the form. If a person holding a Power of Attorney for the Retiree is signing, please make
sure he or she signs the form in the following format “
John Smith, Attorney in Fact for Jane Smith
” (Make sure
the Power of Attorney is either on file or submitted with the first claim.)
The account holder Name section should be completed with the Retiree’s First and Last Name UNLESS you are
a surviving spouse of a Retiree. In that case, the surviving spouse should complete his or her name in the name
If you have a spouse, put the last four digits of your spouse’s Social Security Number (SSN) on the claim form to
better expedite the claim.
Keep your original receipts. Submit copies of your receipts with your claim form. If your claim is incomplete, you
will be required to resubmit the claim form and receipts. Send legible copies of your receipts.
Complete this section if you are requesting reimbursement for a premium that is deducted from your Social
Security Check.
In the “Service Start Date” boxes, enter the first of the month in which you are eligible for Medicare Part B, C or
D for this year. In the “Service End Date” boxes, enter the last day of the year. (If eligible for Medicare Part B, C or
D on January 1, this will be January 1 to December 31.)
Enter the annual amount of your Medicare Part B, C or D expense (the monthly amount multiplied by the number
of months of coverage).
Include a copy of your Social Security “Cost of Living Statement” as proof of your expense (typically mailed
starting in November the year before it becomes effective) or any other Medicare statement that clearly
indicates your Medicare B, C or D premiums. If the cost is not deducted from your Social Security Check, please
fill out Section 2 (Health Care Premiums Not Deducted from Your Social Security Check) on the claim form in
order to be reimbursed.
You will be reimbursed on a pro-rated monthly basis based on your annual premiums. The amount of your
monthly reimbursement will not exceed the current balance in your account.
1 [As used on this form, “you,” “your” or “yours” refer to the Retiree.]
Health Reimbursement
Arrangement (HRA)
Retiree Pay Me Back Claim Form
Complete this section if you are requesting a lump sum reimbursement for health care premiums that:
- were not deducted from your Social Security Check, and
- you have paid to your health plan on an after-tax basis.
Make sure to provide documentation such as a statement from your insurance carrier, or a copy of the front and
back of a cleared check that shows the premiums you have paid.
The Service Start and End Dates should represent the period of coverage you have paid for and are seeking
reimbursement for. These dates should match the statement from your health plan indicating the coverage
period you have paid for.
Keep your original receipts and make copies to fax or mail to HealthEquity.
Note: Pre-tax deductions for premiums from your payroll or your pension plan are not eligible for
If you are requesting reimbursement for other out-of-pocket expenses that you have paid for such as co-pays,
dental services, eligible over-the-counter items or other eligible expenses, please complete this section.
Acceptable forms of documentation to show the item was an eligible expense include a receipt or an explanation
of benefits from your health plan.
Documentation should show the date of service, amount of the expense, and a description of the expense.
When completing the claim form indicate who the expense was for.
You may add up more than one receipt or expenses incurred for several small eligible expenses and enter
that amount on the claim form. When submitting several receipts or pieces of documentation please circle
the expense amounts, date of service and description on each receipt or supporting documentation. Print the
earliest service start date on the claim form if requesting reimbursement for several expenses. You will also
need to indicate on the claim form who the expenses were for. (Dependent)
Health Reimbursement
Arrangement (HRA)
Retiree - Eligible Expenses*
Services by an M.D. or Licensed Practitioner when medically
necessary, including
• Acupressurist • Optometrist
• Acupuncturist • Osteopath
• Anesthesiologist • Podiatrist
• Chiropractor • Psychiatrist/Psychologist
• Christian Science Practitioner • Psychotherapist
• Dermatologist • Surgeon
• Ophthalmologist
Medical/Hospital services or other fees:
• Diagnostic services by or under direction of M.D.
• Surgical services by or under direction of M.D.
• X-rays and radiological services for diagnosis or treatment
• Expenses for donating or receiving an organ transplant
• Nursing services for specific medical ailments by an RN or
LPN who is not related to employees.
• Services of a physical, speech or an occupational therapist
• Ambulance
• Laboratory fees
• Prescription drugs: including insulin, laetrile and birth control pills
• Vitamins and dietary supplements.** Only a quantity of six may be
purchased at a time.
ccinations and immunizations.
Transportation and lodging expenses incurred for medical reasons.
• Deductibles and copayments.
• Over-the-counter (OTC ) drug or medicine.
Other health-related expenses
• Treatment of alcoholism or drug dependency, including
expenses for meals and lodging at a treatment center.
• Lead-based paint removal in the home.*
• Smoking cessation programs and related drugs.
• Employee plus dependent Medical, Dental, Vision, Rx, Medicare,
COBRA or other healthcare insurance premiums.
Dental, vision & hearing
• Dental checkups and care (by a DDS or dental hygienist), including
dentists’ fees, X-rays, fillings, braces, extractions and dentures
• Orthodontics (usually pro-rated cost attributable to this plan year)
• Cost of guide dog for blind or deaf.*
• Braille books and magazines (in excess of regular book cost).
• LASIK, Laser, RK surgery or PRK surgery, prescription eyeglasses
and contact lenses (including solutions).
Special Equipment for the blind.
• Hearing aids and care (including batteries).
• Cost of note-taker for a deaf person in school.*
• Household visual alert & expenses for special phone equipment for
a deaf person.*
• Adapting a television for the deaf.*
Maintenance & support devices (these require a letter of
medical necessity from a licensed physician)
• Support hose and orthopedic shoes (in excess of regular
shoe cost).
• Wheelchairs, crutches and wigs for hair loss due to medical
• Oxygen and oxygen equipment.
• Cost of equipping an auto for the disabled (in excess of
regular auto cost).
Prostheses and prosthetic supplies.
Colostomy supplies
• Capital expenses - the amounts between the cost of improvements
or special equipment installed and the increase in the value of the
• Psychiatric care - may include costs of supporting mentally ill
dependents at a specially equipped center where a dependent
receives medical care.
• Massage therapy.
• Athletic or health club membership
• Cosmetic procedures and/or surgeries
• Household help
• Any illegal treatment
• Prepayment for services
• Cost of remedial reading classes for a
non-handicapped child
• Dancing or ballet, even when recommended by a doctor
• Weight reduction programs for general well-being
• Teeth bleaching or whitening
Marriage counseling
• Toiletries and sundry items (such as toothpaste, shaving
cream, deodorant, shampoo, makeup
• Electric toothbrushes
• Sunscreen under SPF15
Ineligible Expenses (Health Care)
* If used for the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease, or for the purpose of affecting any structure or function of
the body. Requires a letter of medical necessity from a licensed physician.
** If specifically directed by a licensed practitioner of the healing arts, a written directive is needed.
Health Reimbursement
Arrangement (HRA)
Retiree - Eligible Expenses*
4193-SBCERS (10/2020)
Claim Filing Options:
Toll-free Fax: 877-353-9236. To ensure quick processing,
do not use a fax cover sheet and fax each claim form separately.
Mail: Claims Administrator, PO Box 14053, Lexington, KY, 40512
Last Name First Name
Retiree SSN* (last 4 digits) Retiree Birth Date (MM/DD) Employer Name
Spouse/Survivor SSN* (last 4 digits) (if applicable) Email address (complete only if new)
I certify that the information on this form is accurate and complete. I am requesting reimbursement for eligible expenses incurred by
myself or an eligible dependent while I was a participant in the plan. (Patient & Relationship is assumed to be Self unless otherwise
indicated.) I have already received these products and services and I have not/will not seek reimbursement of this expense from any other
plan or party because I: 1) am required to pay for the premiums through withholding, 2) have paid for the premiums, 3) have already
received these products and services. If I am covered under more than one health care account, reimbursement will be made according to
the payment order determined by those plans and as stated on the HealthEquity website. Use of this service indicates my acceptance of
the User Agreement at www.healthequity.com/wageworks (click on LOG IN/REGISTER).
1. One-Time Annual Request for Social Security Administration (SSA) Deducted Premiums
(Medicare Part B, Medicare Part C - Medicare Advantage, Medicare Part D - Prescriptions)
Covered Member Name Relationship to Account Holder
Service Start Date
Service End Date
Out-of-Pocket Cost
Self Dependent
Spouse Domestic Partner
2. Health Plan Premiums Not Deducted from Your Social Security Check
Covered Member Name Relationship to Account Holder
Service Start Date
Service End Date
Out-of-Pocket Cost
Self Dependent
Spouse Domestic Partner
3. Other Expenses:
Medical Dental Vision Prescriptions Over-the-Counter
Covered Member Name Relationship to Account Holder Service Date (MM/DD/YY)
Out-of-Pocket Cost
Self Dependent
Spouse Domestic Partner
*The last 4 digits of the Social Security Number (SSN) is needed to
assist us in identifying your account and to process your claim.