November 2021 Monthly Worksheet
starts @ 8 deg Scorpio
enters Sagittarius Nov 21st
ends @ 9 deg Sagittarius
The Sun SHINES A LIGHT. What houses will the Sun travel through in your chart, and
what areas of life will a light be shined on?
starts @ 22 deg Libra
enters Scorpio Nov 5th
enters Sagittarius Nov 24th
ends @ 10 deg Sagittarius
Mercury brings MENTAL FOCUS & IDEAS. What houses will Mercury travelthough in
your chart, and what areas of life get yourmental focus & new ideas?
starts @ 25 deg Sagittarius
enters Capricorn Nov 5th
ends @ 20 deg Capricorn
Venus brings PLEASANT energy, and we can benefit from OTHER PEOPLE. What houses will
Venus travel through in your chart, and what areas of life get the easy energy and help from
Mars is ENERGY & DRIVE. What houses will Mars travel through in your chart, and what
areas of life get extra energy and drive?
starts @ 1 deg Scorpio
ends @ 21 deg Scorpio
New & Full Moons for November 2021:
Major aspects are 22 degrees 14 minutes - 29 degrees 59
minutes of:
Conjunction: Taurus
Sextile: Cancer or Pisces
Square: Leo or Aquarius
Trine: Virgo or Capricorn
Opposition: Scorpio
Minor aspects can be felt between 25 degrees 14 minutes and
29 degrees 14 minutes of Aries or Gemini (semisextile) and
Libra or Sagittarius (quincunx).
New Moon on November 4th
12 deg 20 min Scorpio
House the New Moon occurs in & aspects:
Potential impact:
Lunar Eclipse on November 19th
27 deg 14 min Taurus
Aspects are 10 degrees 20 minutes - 14 degrees 20
minutes of:
Conjunction: Scorpio
Sextile: Virgo or Capricorn
Square: Leo or Aquarius
Trine: Cancer or Pisces
Opposition: Taurus
House the Lunar Eclipse occurs in & aspects:
Potential impact:
*Note that Lunar Eclipses occur with Full Moons.
November 2021 Jupiter & Saturn:
What are your Jupiter aspects for the month, and
how may you experience expansion?
22-25 deg Aquarius
Jupiter is the planet of EXPANSION. Conjunctions
expand a LOT, sextiles and trines expand more
easily, squares may expand frustration, and
oppositions can expand to the nth degree.
7-8 deg Aquarius
Saturn energy RESTRICTS, and he rules RESPONSIBILITY,
GOALS, AND DISCIPLINE. Conjunctions bring super
restriction, sextiles and trines are easy focus, squares are
internal difficulties, and oppositions are external issues.
Aspects are 7-8 degrees of:
Conjunction: Aquarius
Sextile: Aries or Sagittarius
Square: Taurus or Scorpio
Trine: Gemini or Libra
Opposition: Leo
What are your Saturn aspects for the month, and
how may you experience restriction?
Aspects in Aquarius are 22-25 degrees of:
Conjunction: Aquarius
Sextile: Aries or Sagittarius
Square: Taurus or Scorpio
Trine: Gemini or Libra
Opposition: Leo
November 2021 Outer Planets:
Uranus is the planet of CHANGE. Conjunctions
bring major change, sextiles and trines bring easy
change, squares bring restlessness, and
oppositions bring external forces.
Aspects are 11-12 degrees of:
Conjunction: Taurus
Sextile: Cancer or Pisces
Square: Leo or Aquarius
Trine: Virgo or Capricorn
Opposition: Scorpio
Note that you may also feel aspects with planets or
points at 9, 10, 13, or 14 degrees.
Uranus aspects and potential impact:
Neptune energy DISSOLVES and makes things
HAZY. Conjunctions can be very foggy, sextiles and
trines can be creative and imaginative, squares can
make you vulnerable, and oppositions can take
things away.
Aspects are 20 degrees of:
Sextile:Taurus or Capricorn
Square:Gemini or Sagittarius
Trine:Cancer or Scorpio
Opposition: Virgo
Note that you may also feel aspects with planets or
points at 18, 19, 21, or 22 degrees.
Neptune aspects and potential impact:
Pluto TRANSFORMS. Conjunctions can bring total
transformations, sextiles and trines gives you control
and power, squares can be unsettling and deep
change, and oppositions can be opposition out of
your control.
Aspects are 24 -25degrees of:
Sextile:Scorpio or Pisces
Square:Aries or Libra
Trine:Taurus or Virgo
Opposition: Cancer
Note that you may also feel aspects with planets or
points at 22, 23, 26, or 27 degrees.
Pluto aspects and potential impact:
Extra: New Eclipse Series
On November 19th, we'll have a lunar
eclipse in Taurus, and this kicks off a
new eclipse series. A solar eclipse
occurs in December in Sagittarius, and
that closes the Gemini-Sagittarius set of
eclipses (which went really fast!). The
Taurus-Scorpio series will last about 2
Eclipses occur with the New (solar) and
Full (lunar) Moons, and are when they're
within 18 1/2 degrees of the Lunar
Nodes (the points in the Moon's orbit
where the Moon crosses the ecliptic).
The Lunar Nodes are moving into Taurus
(North Node) and Scorpio (South Node),
hence new signs for the eclipses.
The Taurus-Scorpio eclipses can focus
on our values and resources, what we
invest in, and what we feel is worth
something. We may experience changes
in our morals and ethics, with what is
shared, with what we do to create stable
structures for our lives, and even
The last Taurus-Scorpio eclipse set was
November 2021 to April 2014, so you can
look back to them to get an idea of how
this may impact you personally.
What parts of your natal chart are in
Taurus and Scorpio, and what do they rule?
How can you give focus to your values,
stability and security, your legacy and
investments, and your resources with
those areas? Brainstorm: