Document: 2882196
Lawn Sprinkling Permit Application
District of North Vancouver
Front Desk - 355 West Queens Rd, North Vancouver, BC V7N 4N5
Questions about this form: Phone: 604-990-2311 or Email:
Form submission: Submit to address above
COMPLETION: To ensure legibility, please complete (type) online then print. Sign the printed copy
and submit to the department and address indicated above.
For office use only
Permit Reason:
New Lawn - Paid
DNV Restoration Fee Waived
Nematode Treatment – Fee Waived
(submit a copy of your receipt)
Contact Information:
Lawn Location:
All AreasNematode Application
Starting Date:
Additional Information:
The permit will be issued on terms and conditions established by the District from time to time including
the following:
1. This water will be used ONLY for a newly planted or nematode treated lawn between May
1 and October
15 of the year of this application. This permit extends allowable watering to every
day of the week between the morning hours of 4:00am 9:00am. Further exemption is granted
only for the FIRST day of a nematode treatment where watering may occur at any time.
2. This permit is revocable in the case of a high stage water shortage, without prior notice, entirely at
the discretion of the District Engineer.
3. This permit expires 3 weeks from the date of issue and is revocable at any time, without prior
notice, entirely at the discretion of the District Engineer.
4. Please note the permit must be prominently displayed at the premises.
The personal information collected on this form is done so pursuant to the Community Charter and/or the Local Government Act and
in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. The personal information collected herein will be used
only for the purpose of processing this application or request and for no other purpose unless its release is authorized by its owner,
the information is part of a record series commonly available to the public, or is compelled by a Court or an agent duly authorized
under another Act. Further information may be obtained by speaking with The District of North Vancouver’s Manager of
Administrative Services at 604-990-2207 or at 355 W Queens Road, North Vancouver.