FE-80 August 2011
Change of Address Notification * fields are mandatory
Property Identification:
______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________
*First Name Middle Name *Last/Company Name
*Assessment Roll Number
Area ________ Jurisdiction ______________ Roll Number____________________________
Previous Mailing Address:
*Address 1
Address 2
___________________________ _______________________ ____________________
*City *Province/State *Postal/Zip Code
New Mailing Address:
*Address 1
Address 2
___________________________ _______________________ ____________________
*City *Province/State *Postal/Zip Code
_________________________ _______________________________________
*Phone *Email Address
*Does this address change apply to all owners who currently have the same mailing address as you? Yes No
*Do you own more than one property in British Columbia? Yes No
If YES, list Assessment Roll Number(s) of other properties to which this change applies:
Would you like a reprint of your Assessment Notice? Yes No
I certify that the information provided in this change of address notification is true, accurate, and complete.
I understand that under section 70 of the Assessment Authority Act, a person who knowingly provides false or
misleading information to BC Assessment commits an offence.
I have read and agree to the above conditions.
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
Signature Date
click to sign
click to edit