Utility Auto Withdrawal Plan Authorization Form
District of North Vancouver
Revenue & Taxation Department
355 West Queens Rd, North Vancouver, BC V7N 4N5
Questions about this form: Phone: 604-990-2311 or Email: billing@dnv.org
Form submission: Mail or Email to address above or Fax: 604.987.7160
COMPLETION: To ensure legibility, please complete (type) online then print. Sign the printed copy and submit to
the department and address indicated above.
Contact Information
Utility Account Number :
Service address:
Last Name, First Name and/or Business Name
Mailing Address Postal Code
Banking Information Note: a VOID cheque must be attached to this form
Payments made on behalf of:
An individual
A business
Account Number:
Branch Transit Number:
(5 digits)
Financial Institution Number:
Chequing Account
Savings Account
(3 digits)
Financial Institution
Financial Institution
Branch Address:
Utility Auto Withdrawal Plan Authorization Form
Utility Auto Withdrawal Plan Terms & Conditions
1. The Agreement Holder understands that the Utility Auto Withdrawal Plan is for the convenience of the
property owner and/or tenant. The District of North Vancouver (District) relies on the representation
constituted by this authorization that the agreement holder’s bank account shall be in good standing with
sufficient funds to cover such pre-authorized debits as they become due and payable.
2. Before admission into the Utility Auto Withdrawal plan, all outstanding utility amounts must be paid.
3. The “amount to be withdrawn” shown on each Monthly/Quarterly Utility invoice will be automatically
withdrawn on the “due date” per the Utility invoice. A minimum of 10 calendar days advance notice of the
amount and date of each withdrawal will be provided on the Monthly/Quarterly Utility invoice.
4. If the agreement holder’s financial institution has not honoured a pre-authorized payment, an administration
fee, set by the District will be charged on the next Utility invoice and automatically withdrawn on the indicated
due date.
5. If two consecutive pre-authorized payments are dishonoured by the agreement holder’s financial institution,
the plan will be terminated by the District. The plan can be re-instated upon receipt of a new Utility Auto
Withdrawal Authorization form.
6. Changes to the Utility Auto Withdrawal Plan:
The agreement holder must provide the District with written notice at least 10 days prior to the next pre-
authorized payment date to make amendments to the bank account information or financial institution
7. Cancellation of the Utility Auto Withdrawal Plan:
The agreement holder must provide the District with written notice at least 10 days prior to the next pre-
authorized payment date to cancel the Utility Auto Withdrawal Plan. Upon cancelling the plan, any balance
due thereafter shall be payable directly to the District of North Vancouver. To obtain a cancellation form,
please visit our website at www.dnv.org and go to “forms and information online”. For more information on
your right to cancel a PAD agreement, contact your financial institution or visit www.cdnpay.ca.
8. Metered utility account holders who are ceasing tenancy and/or ownership must inform The District of North
Vancouver Revenue & Taxation Department in writing and request an interim meter reading. Upon completion
of the interim meter reading, a final invoice will be issued and will be payable directly to the District of North
Vancouver and will not be automatically withdrawn from the utility account holder’s bank account.
9. Miscellaneous payments made to a utility account prior to the due date will not reduce the amount of the
current month’s auto withdrawal. The payment will be credited to the account and will be reflected in the
following month’s auto withdrawal.
10. This plan does not include any payment or pre-payment of property taxes.
Utility Auto Withdrawal Plan Authorization Form
I/we hereby authorize the District of North Vancouver (the “District”) to withdraw from my bank
account indicated above, the balance owing on the above noted utility account as of the due date
indicated on each utility billing invoice. I/we have read and agree to the terms and conditions of this
PAD agreement.
The applicant has certain recourse rights if any debit does not comply with this agreement. For
example, they have the right to receive reimbursement for any debit that is not authorized or is not
consistent with this PAD Agreement. To obtain more information on your recourse rights, contact your
financial institution or visit www.cdnpay.ca.
The personal information collected on this form is done so pursuant to the Community Charter and/or the Local
Government Act and in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. The personal
information collected herein will be used only for the purpose of processing this application or request and for no other
purpose unless its release is authorized by its owner, the information is part of a record series commonly available to the
public, or is compelled by a Court or an agent duly authorized under another Act. Further information may be obtained by
speaking with The District of North Vancouver’s Manager of Administrative Services at 604-990-2207 or at 355 W Queens
Road, North Vancouver.
(all signatories as authorized on
VOID cheque must sign)
(Print Name)
(all signatories as authorized on
VOID cheque must sign)
(Print Name) (Date)
(all signatories as authorized on
VOID cheque must sign)
(Print Name)
Name(s) on cheque same as applicant(s)’
No outstanding balance
Entered in system
PAWS Reference #