Form E
Baldwin County Public School System
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
Form E (Teacher Input Form) is being used to:
Determine Initial Eligibility Determine Continued Eligibility Update Current 504 Plan
Please complete the following teacher observation information and return this form within five (5) days to
enable the Section 504 Team to conduct a Section 504 evaluation for the above-named student.
1 2 3 4 5 N 1 2 3 4 5 N
Reading Skills Tests
Math Skills Follows Oral Directions
Written Expression Follows Written Directions
Spelling Organizational skills
Classroom Work Attention Span
Homework Timeliness to Class
Behavioral Characteristics
Check observed behavioral characteristics which might adversely affect this student’s learning.
Shyness Needs Constant Encouragement
Rejected by Peers Quarrelsome
Irritable Anxious
Distractible Aggressive
Moody Disruptive
Daydreams Withdrawn
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Student Name: School: Grade:
Teacher’s Name: Subject Matter: Date:
Teacher Observations
Based on your knowledge and observation, please rate this student’s performance in the following areas as compared to his or her
non-disabled peers. For each skill, mark: 1=Poor 2=Below Average 3=Average 4=Above Average 5=Superior
N=Not Observed
Pre-Referral Actions Taken Results
Sent Reports Home
Talked with Counselor
Rearranged Seating
Preferential/Isolated Seating
Ignored Behavior
Referred to Administrator
Assignment Notebook
Alternative Assignments
Additional Time for Assignments
Small Group Instruction
Cooperative Learning
Peer Tutoring
Parent Conference
Teacher Input Form
Emotional/Behavioral/Social Characteristics
Rate this student’s behavior in relation to other students of the same AGE. For each behavior , mark: 1=Poor
2=Below Average 3=Average 4=Above Average 5=Superior N=Not Observed
1 2 3 4 5 N
Generally cooperates or complies with teacher requests
Adapts to new situations without getting upset
Accepts responsibility for own actions
Makes and keeps friends at school
Works cooperatively with others
Has an even, usually happy disposition
Appropriate attention and concentration
Compliance with teacher directives
Brings necessary materials to class
Fidgets, squirms, or seems restless
Completes tasks on time
Stays on task, is easily redirected
Remains seated
Takes turns, wait for turns
Is discipline an area of concern? Yes No
If yes, please explain:
Additional Comments or Input from Teacher:
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Other observations
Student meets standards of personal independence expected of Yes No
chronological age/culture group
Student meets standards of social responsibility expected of Yes No
chronological age/culture group