Administrator’s Initials ______
Original date: 11/10/2010; Revised 11/27/2018
Yes No N/A The School takes full responsibility for the content of any course it 3
offers. A.R.S. §32-2135(A) 4
Yes No N/A Prelicensure enrollment application or agreement includes course 5
description, cost, refund policy and a statement of any placement 6
service desription. A.A.C. R4-28-404(E) 7
Yes No N/A Each ADRE approved continuing education course includes the 8
minimum required content for the specific course category. A.A.C. 9
R4-28-402(A)(5) 10
Yes No N/A Each approved live classroom course includes a course outline 11
with sufficient detail to clearly identify the scope and content of the 12
course. A.R.S. §32-2135(F) 13
Yes No N/A The outline for each approved live classroom course states a 14
desired instructional outcome for the course. A.R.S. §32-2135(F) 15
Yes No N/A No course whose content is not current or that is substantially 16
changed is being taught. A.R.S. §32-2135(C)(7) and (F) 17
Yes No N/A Any unapproved course that is offered for credit is being advertised 18
as “pending” ADRE approval. A.R.S. §32-2135(D)(1) 19
Yes No N/A The School does not teach information or use course materials 20
that have not been approved by ADRE. A.R.S. §32-2135(C)(4) 21
Yes No N/A The School submits notices to the ADRE at least 14 days before 22
holding a live prelicensure or continuing education course. A.R.S. 23
§32-2135(G)(1) 24
Yes No N/A The School takes full responsibility for the professional 28
administration and teaching of its courses. A.R.S. §32-2135(A) 29
Yes No N/A Only properly approved instructors teach prelicensure or 30
continuing education. A.R.S. §32-2135(E)&(J), A.A.C. R4-28-31
404(C) and Substantive Policy Statement No. 2015.01 32
Yes No N/A Each School instructor is fully competent to teach the course(s) to 33
which assigned as an instructor. A.R.S. §32-2135(E) 34
Yes No N/A The School and the School’s instructors enforce the ADRE’s 35
requirement that each student attends at least 50 minutes of 36
instruction for each hour of credit awarded for all live prelicensure, 37
continuing education, and distance learning continuing education 38
courses. A.R.S. §§32-2124(B)&(C), 32-2130(A), A.A.C. R4-28-39
101(5), A.A.C. R4-28-402 and Substantive Policy Statements No. 40
2005.02 and 2010.02 41
Yes No N/A The students are informed, as necessary, of ADRE’s class 42
attendance policies as described on page 3, lines 37 through 41 43
above. 44
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