200 S. Hamilton Road
Gahanna, Ohio 43230
Note: All references to elevations are in feet mean sea level (MSL). The term base flood elevation means the same as the 100 year elevation.
1. The proposed development is in:
An identified floodway.
A hydrologic and hydraulic engineering analysis accompanies the application
The analysis has a certification that flood heights will not be increased
Is the analysis certified by a Registered Professional Engineer
A flood hazard area where base flood elevations exist with no identified floodway.
A hydrologic and hydraulic engineering analysis accompanies the application
The analysis has a certification that flood heights will not be increased less than the height designated in the
community’s flood damage reduction regulations (in no case will this be more than one foot)
Is the analysis certified by a Registered Professional Engineer
An area within the floodplain fringe.
An approximate flood hazard area (Zone A).
Within the banks of a watercourse.
The analysis demonstrating that the flood carrying capacity has not been diminished accompanies the
Base flood elevation (100-year) at proposed site _______________________________ feet m.s.l.
Elevation in relation to mean sea level of the lowest floor, including basement, of all proposed structures located in special
flood hazard areas where base flood elevation data are utilized _______________________
Elevation in relation to mean sea level to which any proposed structure will be floodproofed in accordance with Section
1191.02(b) where base flood elevation data are utilized __________________
Data source ___________________________________________________________________________
Map effective date Community-Panel No. _________________________
2. Does proposed development meet NFIP and local “Use and Development Standards” of your regulations?
Permitted Use.
Water and wastewater systems standards met.
Subdivision standards met (All public utilities and facilities safe from flooding, adequate drainage, flood elevations
generated where applicable.
Residential/non-residential structures standards met. Lowest floor elevation ______________ feet m.s.l.
Substantial improvement / substantial damage
Anchored properly (manufactured home affixed to permanent foundation)
Utilities protected against flooding
Construction materials below flood protection elevation resistant to flood damage
Lowest floor elevated to or above flood protection elevation (BFE + freeboard)
Has an enclosure below lowest floor (crawl space, walkout basement)
Enclosure have proper number and area of openings
Enclosure unfinished and only used for parking, materials storage or entry
Accessory structure standards met (square footage, use, foundation openings).
Recreational vehicle standards met.
Above ground gas or liquid storage tank anchored.
Flood carrying capacity maintained for floodway development, areas where FEMA has provided BFE data but no
floodways, or for alterations of a watercourse.
3. The proposed development triggers a requirement to submit a Letter of Map Revision or Conditional Letter of Map Revision
COMPLIANT - permit issued on: ________________
NOT-COMPLIANT - permit denied on:
Note: All structures must be build with the lowest floor, including the basement, elevated or floodproofed to or above the base flood elevation
(100 year) unless a variance has been granted. Only non-residential structures may be floodproofed.
The proposed development is EXEMPT from the floodplain standards per Section 1191.14 of the Regulatory Flood
Hazard Area Chapter 1191
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