I confirm that the details submitted are
correct and that I have read, understood and
accept the membership application
procedures that appear on the back page.
I understand that:
a) The benefits of BH&HPA membership
come with the responsibility to meet the
Association’s membership standards which
include the requirement to refrain from
‘conduct unworthy of a member’.
b) ‘Conduct unworthy of a member’
includes a breach of the criminal or civil
law in relation to me, my business(es) and/
or conduct calculated or likely to bring me,
my business(es) or the Association into
c) Conduct by a colleague of mine within
any businesses which I represent can also be
taken into consideration in any investigation
and decision regarding the conduct of my
BH&HPA membership.
d) Only current Full Members and Associate
Members of the Association may display
the appropriate Association’s logo. I am
free to use the logo in my advertising and
promotional media however I understand
that the logo must not be altered in any
way, used in a manner which could imply
BH&HPA ownership or endorsement of
a product or service or used in a manner
which could be misleading to consumers.
From time to time BH&HPA may request that
I accompany my use of the logo with any
wording they reasonably require to confirm
BH&HPA’s ownership of the logo and the
basis on which I am permitted to use it.
e) I am required to register all parks and
pitches in my control with the Association.
This is defined as all pitches within any
parks owned by me in my own right and/or
owned jointly with any relative or relative’s
spouse or business partner, and/or owned by
the company or group of companies which
I represent and/or owned by any group
of companies in which I and any relative
or relative’s spouse or business partner
together have a controlling interest.
f) BH&HPA membership standards apply to
all parks and all pitches in my control and
my membership subscriptions are calculated
based on the total number of parks and
pitches in my control.
g) Failure to meet BH&HPA membership
standards across all parks and all pitches in
my control and to declare those parks and
pitches to the Association can result in the
termination of my BH&HPA membership.
h) The enclosed list of parks and pitches
includes all those in my control or ownership,
as defined at paragraph e) above.
i) It is a requirement that I co-operate with
and respond in a timely manner to the
Association and that the Association may,
from time to time, approach third parties
to seek information relevant to me or a
colleague of mine in the investigation of
complaints and allegations with regard to
the conduct of my business(es).
Declaration of
of terms of
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