The club agree to provide British Canoeing with an up to date copy of:
The Club Constitution or Rules and Byelaws.
The Club Health and Safety Policy.
The Club Standard Operating Procedures.
The Club Safeguarding Policy.
The Club Risk Assessment.
NEW CLUB: If you are a new club joining for the first time, please ensure all of the relevant documents listed above are enclosed with the completed affiliation form.
EXISTING CLUB: If you are an existing club renewing your membership, please enclose any of the above documents which have been updated.
By completing the Affiliation Form and Payment of the Affiliation Fee the club is confirming and agreeing to the
following terms of affiliation.
(If the terms of the affiliation agreement are not met the club's Public Liability Insurance may not be valid. British Canoeing has the
right to suspend or cancel Club membership if deemed appropriate or to refuse affiliation if a club is deemed not to be acting in the
best interests of British Canoeing and the sport).
The club affiliation form has been completed, in full, honestly and accurately.
The club agree to the following: (tick boxes)
Club Name:
The club affiliation payment is for the current year’s affiliation fee.
To enclose the appropriate affiliation fee. The total of this fee is:
The club is a voluntary not for profit club.
The club has adopted and is implementing the British Canoeing Child and Vulnerable Groups Protection Policy (P1)
We accept liability for our share (£1) in the unlikely event of the liquidation of British Canoeing. We agree to be bound by the Rules and Regulations of British Canoeing
and will bind our Members to observe them. We also agree to follow the British Canoeing Policies and Procedures and British Canoeing Guidance for affiliated clubs.
Print Name:
Please return the completed Affiliation Form with the required documentation (outlined above) and correct payment (cheques
payable to British Canoeing) to Membership Dept, British Canoeing, National Water Sports Centre, Adbolton Lane, Holme Pierrepont,
Nottingham, NG12 2LU. If you wish to pay by Credit or Debit card email your completed form to clubs@britishcanoeing.org.uk who
will contact you for card details and take payment over the phone.
The club has accurately provided the number of club members holding full British Canoeing membership and the number of those seeking additional
per capitation insurance cover for the purpose of club activities.
To appoint a Club Welfare Officer who has a current DBS check and has attended (or is scheduled to attend) a Safeguarding and Protecting Children (SPC)
workshop and a Time to Listen course (TTL) providing evidence of course attendance.
Club Affiliation Payment sent by:
Cheque Credit / Debit Card BAC's - Bank Transfer
(Please note we will phone the contact number provided during office hours.)
Contact number to get Credit/Debit Card or BAC's Details: