2021 Smart Energy Existing Homes
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Step 5 Terms and Conditions
Santee Cooper is implementing a Smart Energy Existing Homes program
(“Program”) to provide qualifying Customers (“Customers”) with rebates to
facilitate the installation of energy-efficient equipment, products, upgrades and
services at their existing residential facilities. These Terms and Conditions set
forth the participation requirements for Customers applying for rebates through
the Program. By signing below, the Customer named in the Rebate Application
(“Customer”) is agreeing to comply with and be bound by these terms.
Santee Cooper has contracted with and authorized Nexant, Inc. ("Nexant") to
assist with this Program as needed to include, but not limited to the following
activities: facilitating project information requests from Customers and Trade
Allies and offering technical support to Santee Cooper and conducting
measurement and verification activities.
Trade Allies. Customers are required to use a vendor or installer who is a
member of Santee Cooper’s Residential Trade Ally network (“Trade Ally”) for
the purchase and installation of all the energy-efficiency measures offered by
the Program, except Heat Pump Water Heaters and Smart Thermostats.
Contractors installing heat pump water heaters must have a South Carolina
Plumbing Contractor's License. Trade Allies are independent contractors with
respect to the Program and are not authorized to make representations or incur
obligations on behalf of Santee Cooper. Participation as a Trade Ally does not
constitute an endorsement by Santee Cooper, nor does it certify or guarantee
the quality of work performed. A listing of Trade Allies is available online at
Program Funding. The 2021 Program Year runs from December 1, 2020 to
November 30, 2021. Program funds are limited and rebates are subject to
funding availability. Rebate applications are accepted on a first-come, first-
served basis until the conclusion of the Program term, or until Program funds
are no longer available. Customers requesting rebates after all available
Program funding for the Program term is committed will be offered the option
to be placed on a waiting list in the order that the applications are received by
Santee Cooper for consideration should the Program term be extended or
additional funding becomes available.
Customer and Measure Eligibility. To be eligible for the Program, applicants
must meet the customer and equipment eligibility requirements as set forth in
the Santee Cooper Smart Energy for Existing Homes Program Manual
(“Program Manual”) incorporated herein by reference. Customer must be the
owner of the home or be authorized by the owner(s) to implement the Program
qualifying upgrades and installations. Customers who have received rebates
through the Program for eligible measures are not eligible to receive rebates
related to those measures through any other program for the period specified
in the Measure Ineligibility Periods table as provided in the Program Manual.
Program Participation Process. Customer must complete the Program
participation process as outlined in more detail in the Program Manual. This
process includes, but is not limited to, Customer complying with the following:
Customer must use a Trade Ally to purchase and complete the
of qualifying measures offered by the Program, with the exception of Heat
Pump Water Heaters and Smart T
2. Customer must complete and submit the Rebate Application and all
required documentation (collectively the “Rebate Application”) within 30
business days after the measures are installed or completed in order to
be eligible for rebates. The Rebate Application is incorporated here
in by
Rebate Application. Customers applying for measures installed during the
2021 Program year must submit the Rebate Application and required
documentation by November 30, 2021, and in accordance with Program
requirements. Please see the Program Manual for details regarding required
documentation. Customer understands that submission of an application, even
if correct and complete, does not guarantee payment of rebates.
Rebate Payments. Rebates for the implementation of the qualifying
equipment are listed in the Rebate Estimator table of this Rebate
Application and in the Program Manual. Rebate payments are one-time
only. Eligible project costs are defined as the actual costs incurred by the
customer for the evaluation, construction, installation, implementation, and
commissioning of eligible energy-efficiency measures. Rebates will be in
the form of a check and made out to customer and will be mailed within two
to three weeks after the final approval of the customer’s rebate application.
Payment of the final rebate amount is based on Santee Cooper’s approval
of installed measures and Customer meeting all eligibility and Program
requirements. Customer understands that he/she is responsible for paying
the Trade Ally any fees associated with installing the qualifying energy-
efficiency measures and that Santee Cooper has no part in any agreement
between Customer and the Trade Ally which Customer selects to complete
the work.
Inspections. As part of the Rebate Application review process and for up
to two (2) years after a rebate payment, Santee Cooper may request
additional documentation and conduct any site inspection activities
necessary to confirm eligibility. Failure to provide or complete any of the
requested information or program requirements may result in the return of
the Rebate Application and denial of rebates through the Program. The site
visit is not a safety review and is not intended for any other purposes than
verifying equipment rebate eligibility. Customer agrees to cooperate and
provide Santee Cooper, or its designated agents access to the equipment,
upgrades and meters for as long as the equipment or upgrades are
installed. Customer will provide any requested information relating to the
facilities, systems, and installed equipment or upgrades, as requested by
Santee Cooper to allow for verification of compliance with Program terms,
accuracy of project documentation, and for verification of energy
consumption. In the case of a rented or leased residence, Customer
certifies that he/she has obtained appropriate permission from the building
Tax Liability.
Customer acknowledges that receipt of any rebate pursuant
o the Ter
ms and Conditions may result in taxable income to the Customer,
even if Customer does not directly receive a payment, and that Customer
is solely responsible for payment and reporting with respect to Customer’s
taxes. Customer should consult his or her own tax advisor with respect to
the tax treatment of rebates provided pursuant to the Terms and Conditions.
Nothing in these Terms and Conditions is intended to constitute tax advice
and cannot be used for the purpose of avoiding penalties under the Internal
Revenue Code.
Customer Information. By signing the Rebate Application, Customer
authorizes and acknowledges that Santee Cooper may duplicate,
d isseminate, release and disclose Customer’s information relating to
Customer’s Rebate Application (including the entirety of its contents), and
any other information related to the Customer’s participation in the
Program, including but not limited to account information and billing data,
energy usage, and tax identification numbers to Nexant and Trade Allies,
and any other third party, as applicable, utilized by Santee Cooper for the
purposes of processing the Rebate Application, to verify or audit Program
records or system installation, operation and results, or as required to
comply with state and/or federal law, fraud prevention, regulation, and
other legal action; in those cases, Santee Cooper and its subcontractors
shall comply with all legal requirements of the jurisdiction of the individual
whose Customer data would be disclosed before making such disclosure.
Project Installations. Customer acknowledges that while the Program
may provide rebates for the installation of qualifying equipment and
upgrades, neither Santee Cooper nor Nexant will install any equipment.
Customer is solely responsible for the selection of equipment/upgrade to
be installed and for the selection of a Trade Ally to complete the installation
or service of equipment. Customer acknowledges that responsibility for
delivery and workmanship related to any equipment or services the
Customer procures with a Trade Ally or third-party installer exclusively
rests with that Trade Ally or third-party installer. Santee Cooper shall
be entitled to rely upon said documentation and certification and shall
have no duty to independently verify that the Trade Ally meets all
program requirements.
Fraud. Customer represents and warrants that he/she is eligible and
authorized to participate in the Program, and that Customer’s participation in
the Program will not result in the violation or breach by Customer of law,
Customer’s contractual obligations, or other duties to or rights of any third
party. Any person who knowingly files an application containing any materially
false information or who purposely or misleadingly conceals information
subjects such person to criminal and civil penalties. Any and all funds
determined to have been acquired on the basis of inaccurate or fraudulent
information must be returned to Santee Cooper. This section shall not limit
other remedies that may be available for the filing of a false or fraudulent
application, including, but not limited to, referral to law enforcement
V4.2021 (3/22/2021)