Voter Photo Identication Information
Correcting Ballot Mistakes
• If you make a mistake while marking your ballot or otherwise require a replacement ballot, contact your
municipal clerk. Your municipal clerk’s contact information is listed below.
• If there is not enough time to request a replacement ballot and you have not returned your ballot, you may
still vote in-person at the polls on Election Day.
• Dierent types of voters have dierent deadlines for requesting a replacement ballot. Please see below for
additional details.
Uniform Instructions for Wisconsin Absentee Voters
| Rev 8-2020 | Wisconsin Elections Commission, P.O. Box 7984, Madison, WI 5377-7984 | (608) 261-2028 | web: elections.wi.gov | email: elections@wi.gov
Municipal Clerk Contact Information
State Election Ocial Contact Information
Wisconsin Elections Commission
Help Desk: (608) 261-2028
Email: elections@wi.gov
(Name of Municipal Clerk)
(Name of Municipality)
• If you have received your ballot, then a copy of your photo ID is already on le or you are exempt from the
requirement. You do not need to provide another copy of photo ID unless instructed by your clerk.
• If you have questions about the photo ID requirement, please contact your municipal clerk.
Getting Assistance
• If someone signs your absentee return envelope
on your behalf, make sure they also sign in the
Certication of Assistant section.
• Your assistant may also serve as your witness.
With your ballot With your absentee return envelope
• Your assistant must sign in the Certication of
Voter Assistance section.
• Your assistant can read your ballot to you or ll out
your ballot under your direction, but cannot tell you
how to vote.
If you need help reading or lling out your ballot or absentee return envelope, you may ask for assistance from
anyone who is not your employer or a representative of your labor union. Your assistant may also serve as
your witness. Explaining how to ll out your ballot or return envelope is not “assistance.”
For voter information, check out MyVote.wi.gov
If you have any questions, please contact your municipal clerk for assistance.
• Military voters*
• Indenitely conned voters
5:00 p.m. on the Thursday before the election 5:00 p.m. on the Friday before the election
• Regular absentee voters
• Permanent overseas voters
• Temporary overseas voters
*If the ballot contains federal oces, military voters away from home may request replacement ballots until 5:00 p.m. on Election Day
Becky Eggen; City Clerk
City of Hudson