Pinellas County Utilities
Water Quality Division, Grease Management Program
Food Service Establishment
Variance to Pump-out Frequency Application
Variance evaluation process and conditions:
• It is the responsibility of the FSE to coordinate the pump-out with a grease waste hauler.
• Grease Management Program (GMP) personnel must be notified at (727) 582-2379 before
the initial pump-out to start of the Variance to Pump-out Frequency Evaluation. Failure to
provide a specific date and time of the pump-out may result in the need for an additional
pump-out (at the FSE’s expense). GMP personnel may need to be present to verify that the
grease interceptor is in good working condition.
• In the event that the grease interceptor design does not meet the requirements found in
FAC 64E-6 (Department of Health), the Florida Plumbing code, and the Pinellas County
Code, Chapter 126, Article Vi, Section 126-612, or if the interceptor is in unsatisfactory
condition the permittee will be given 30 days to bring the interceptor up to code.
• Once the grease interceptor has been pumped-out the variance evaluation process will
begin. Pumping or cleaning of the grease interceptor shall not occur until the GMP personnel
has completed their evaluation and notified the applicant in writing of the approved
pumping frequency. If there is any evidence that the grease interceptor has been tampered
with or pumped out during the variance procedure, the procedure will be declared null and
void and a new variance inspection fee of $200.00 will be required to re-initiate the
• GMP personnel will check the grease interceptor monthly until the new pump-out frequency
has been determined. Variance to Pump-out Frequency determinations are based on the
following conditions: Grease layer on top of the liquid shall not be greater that six (6)
inches or the solids layer on the bottom of the tank shall not be greater than eight (8)
inches, or grease/solids levels shall not exceed the appropriate design capacity of the
interceptor or there is evidence of grease/solids leaving the interceptor. The maximum
allowable pump-out frequency of the interceptor shall not exceed once every 180 calendar
• Once the Variance to Pump-out Frequency has been established, failure to perform a
complete pump-out of the grease interceptor at the required time intervals may result in a
revocation of the approved Variance. In addition if at any time a GMP person checks the
interceptor and determines that the grease or solids limits are being exceeded the Variance
to Pump-out Frequency will be reduced to a shorter time between pump-outs. The
Variance to Pump-out Frequency is the Maximum time allowed between pump-outs.
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