Date of Birth
Name (Last, First, MI)
Class Number
(e.g., 20267)
Catalog Name/Number
(e.g., Biol 200)
Units Time Meeng Schedule
List the informaon of the
class that you would like to
be enrolled in using Cerritos
Finish First.
Email Address Student ID
CERRITOS Finish First
Thank you for using Cerritos Finish First. Complete this form, and hit the “Submit” buon to begin
your last step towards compleon at Cerritos College!
The Cerritos Finish First Program supports student achievement through completion of certificates, associate degrees,
and transfer requirements. Your success in completing most of the untis required for your program moved you into
this important group of student achievers.
How CERRITOS Finish First will help you complete your remaining class requirements:
⇒ Increased enrollment priority to help you get a selected required class
⇒ Payment of the class enrollment fee (for one class) or the costs of the required textbooks, equipment, and/or
supplies from the Cerritos College Bookstore, up to $200.00.
To use your CERRITOS Finish First benefits please:
1) Complete this form
2) Do one of the following
Submit this form to the Oce of Admissions, Records, & Services
Submit this form electronically by hing the “Submit” buon above.
If you do not know what class you need to graduate, please use of of the following options:
1) Run your own Student Degree Audit. Please use the Student Degre Audit Guide if you need assistance.
2) Make an appointment with a counselor.
3) Stop by the Office of Admissions, Records, and Services for a Degree Audit report.
What is a digital signature?
Major / Plan
Cerritos Finish First will pay for EITHER the class enrollment fee (for the class above) -OR- the costs of the required textbooks, equipment, and/or
supplies from the Cerritos College Bookstore, up to $200. I would like Cerritos Finish First to pay for:
Up to $200 in Materials from the
I would not like any financial assistance
from Cerritos Finish FIrst
Other questions? Please Email us at: FinishFirst@Cerritos.edu
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