Contract Completion/Extension Form
Fall Spring Summer Year _________
Student’s Name: _____________________________________________
First Name Last Name
Student ID #: _________________ Course Ticket #: ________________
Course Name/Number: ________________________________________
Instructor’s Name: ____________________________________________
Student: It is your duty to sign this form below and turn it in to your instructor, along with a
complete copy of all your project work, before the date of your course final exam. I have
completed my Honors Contract for the above course. A copy of my project is being submitted
along with this form.
_________________________________________________ __________________
Student’s Signature Date
Instructor: It us your duty to evaluate the project, to complete and sign the section below, and
to send this form, along with all attachments, to the SHP Office on or before the last day to turn
in grades. Students will not receive honors credit for grades below a “B.”
1. This student’s final course grade is: ________
2. This student has completed the Honors Contract for this course: Yes No
3. The Honors Contract work is: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
4. I have granted the student an extension to complete the project work until
_______________ (date) and notified the SHP Office staff in advance.
5. Total number of hours the student has worked under your supervision: ______
________________________________________________ _________________
Instructor’s Signature Date
click to sign
click to edit