Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic (SAP) Progress Policy
CCC's Financial Aid Office reviews academic progress at the end of each semester. Students will be placed on
financial aid warning or suspension if they do not meet the following standards:
1. Qualitative Progress - Students must maintain a grade point average of at least 2.0 (C average) for each
semester as well as cumulatively. Grade point values for financial aid eligibility are: ... A = 4.0, B = 3.0, C =
2.0, D = 1.0, F = 0, PF = Pass or Fail. W (withdrawal) and AU (audit) are not counted. The average is
computed by multiplying each final grade point value by the number of credit hours, totaling all grade
points, and dividing the
total points by the total number of credit hours for which there are final grades.
2. Incremental Progress - Students must complete a minimum number of credit hours each term. You
must complete 67% of the enrolled credit hours each semester.
3. Maximum Time Frame - Students must complete the course work for their program within 150% of the
time necessary to complete the program. If at any point it becomes mathematically impossible for the
student to complete their degree plan within the maximum time frame for their program, the student
immediately becomes ineligible for future federal (and/or) state financial aid. Total credits required to
complete a program vary. These attempted hours include any remedial course work, transfer hours,
withdrawals, audits, and CCAF hours.
At the time a student attempts 150% credit hours of their declared degree, an email will be sent to the students CCC
email account stating that they have met the attempted credit hours allowed. Students will be given the opportunity to
appeal the cut-off and ask for reinstatement of aid. Financial aid will not be paid to students who have exceeded
maximum time frame at CCC unless approval has been granted by the Financial Aid Appeals Committee.
The Appeals committee has the option to deduct remedial hours or CCAF hours, or other hours they deem appropriate.
As per Department of Education guidelines all terms of attendance including periods when students did not receive
financial aid are counted in the total number of attempted credit hours.
Financial Aid Warning
If students do not maintain a 2.0 grade point average or if they do not maintain incremental progress, they will be put
on financial aid warning status for one semester. If students are not making satisfactory progress at the time they apply
for financial aid, they will be placed on warning status. While on warning status, students will continue to receive
financial aid; however, if students are expecting a loan and have been placed on warning, they will n
ot receive the
expected disbursement. They will need to submit a letter of appeal.
Financial Aid Suspension
If students do not maintain satisfactory academic progress while on warning status, they will be denied further financial
aid. Semesters spent on financial aid suspension are counted in the maximum allowable time students have to complete
a degree or certificate.
Financial Aid Appeal Process
Students may appeal if they have been placed on financial aid suspension. The Financial Aid Appeals Committee will
review the appeal and approve or disapprove reinstatement of financial aid. The committee bases reinstatement on
mitigating circumstances that directly contributed to deficient academic performance. If students wish to appeal, they
must fully explain the reasons for not maintaining satisfactory academic progress and provide any supporting
documentation. Students will be notified of the Committee's decision by the Friday preceding the first day of classes.
Deadlines for appeals and proposed committee meeting dates are posted in the Financial Aid Office at the beginning of
each semester and included in the appeal packet. If students do not meet the goals defined during a probation semester,
they will be placed on financial aid suspension the next semester of attendance. In some instances students may be
admitted as continuing students and still not be eligible for financial assistance.
Students returning to CCC following a period of financial aid probation may be eligible for reinstatement of financial
assistance if an appeal is approved.
In some instances students may receive reinstatement approval and still not be admitted if they are on academic