Prior to submission of a fee appeal, please note:
• The deadline to submit a fee appeal is 6 months after the end of the semester to which the appeal
pertains. Requests after the deadline will not be considered.
• The submission of a fee appeal does not guarantee approval.
• The submission of a fee appeal does not extend the due date for any outstanding charges while
awaiting a decision by the Fee Appeals Committee.
• A written narrative is required explaining the request for refund. Fee appeal forms submitted
without explanation or details will not be considered.
• Appeals based on a withdrawal late in the semester, or a retroactive withdrawal, will generally not
be considered for a refund of tuition.
• Appeals are reviewed for the existence of extenuating circumstances only and must include
documentation. The following circumstances may warrant approval; however, each appeal is
considered based on the facts and documentation presented.
o Call to or enlisted in active duty military service within the semester
o Death in the immediate family (student, parent, spouse, child, sibling)
o Complete withdrawal of the student from all courses due to illness of the student that is
confirmed in writing by a physician, stating that completion of the term is precluded
o Administrative/University error
• Circumstances generally not sufficient to support an appeal include, but are not limited to:
o Not being aware of registration and/or tuition due dates
o Insufficient financial aid or financial hardship
o Lack of familiarity with UWF system or procedures
o Withdrawal from a class or classes to avoid failure/low grades or dissatisfaction with an
o Withdrawal due to conflicts with school/work/life balance
• If you are a financial aid recipient, tuition refunds will be returned to your financial aid award(s) and
will generally not result in a refund to the student.
Revised March 2020