FastOne DSCR/No Ratio Submission
LoanStream NanQ
Please fulfill minimum submission requirements to expedite review and approval.
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Thank you for your loan submission. Please complete this form in its entirety and include all required documents, as
listed below, with your submission. Only complete submissions will be eligible for the LoanStream FastOne Program.
Main Contact, for decisions/questions below:
SFR 2 Units 3 to 4 Units Condo
Vesting in LLC? Yes No
If Yes, provide the complete legal name/address of the LLC entity.
Purchase Rate/Term Cash-out
Select 1.15 and Greater DSCR > 1.00 No Ratio .75—.99
24 Months 36 Months State Restricted (
Minimum 12-Month Prepay Penalty
How should LoanStream handle Borrower Credit?*
Pull new credit Use attached Broker credit
* If a credit option is not selected, LoanStream will pull new credit.
If using a Third-Party for Loan Processing, please provide their NMLS ID:
Completed FastOne DSCR/No Ratio – LoanStream NanQ form
Executed 1003 reflecting Borrower’s complete Employer Info and Phone (
no income on 1003; only rental income from subject used
Credit Report for All Borrowers (if using Broker credit reports) no older than 30 days at time of submission
VOMs for all disclosed financed properties not reporting on credit
LoanStream’s completed Borrower’s Certification and Authorization form
Party Fee Sheet disclosing ALL Broker & 3
Insurance Declarations page and contact info OR Insurance Quote for the Subject Property with six months’ rent loss
Most recent bank statement covering a 30-day period to support reserve requirements/funds to close, as applicable
Prelim/Title Commitment with Tax Cert
Full Appraisal with photos
If Purchase: Purchase Agreement
If Refinance: Lease Agreements for subject property only
If Refinance: Demand for the subject property mortgage payoff
19000 MacArthur Blvd.,
Suite 200
Irvine, CA 92612
All States:
Appraisal Review ...... $150
All States except NC& NJ:
Underwriting .......... $1,595
Document ....................... 99
NC and NJ:
NC Application ...... $1,694
NJ Origination ....... $1,595
for General Inquiries
Corporate Office Phone: (800)
Lock Desk Email:
Non-QM Scenario Desk:
19000 MacArthur Blvd.,
Suite 200
Irvine, CA 92612
NMLS 5391
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