1800 JFK Blvd., Suite 1900A 429 Fourth Ave., Suite 702
Philadelphia, PA 19103 Pittsburgh, PA 15219
T 215-238-6970 T 412-258-2120
F 215-772-3125 F 412-535-8225
Ensuring that all of Pennsylvania’s children have equal access to a quality public education.
Family Needs Self-Assessment to Address Attendance Barriers
My child is age 18 or older and NOT of compulsory school age
My contact information (phone number, email, or address) needs to be updated with the
school. My current contact information is:
I prefer to speak in
(language(s)) and read in
My Child Is Experiencing Barriers To Accessing School
I need help enrolling my child in school
There was a delay between when my child was enrolled and when my child was allowed to
attend class, and these absences were wrongly treated as unexcused absences instead of
excused absences
COVID-19 is preventing
my child from attending school (e.g., health concerns, family member
I am not receiving communications from school and/or do not know how to find information
about the school
I need a stable internet connection or a working device (if yes, see “remote issues” below)
We are living in temporary housing and I need additional support to access learning
(e.g., a quiet place to learn, extra supplies, etc.)
Temporary housing includes living with friends, relatives, or others due to loss of
housing or economic circumstance, living in a motel, shelter, substandard housing
or emergency housing
My child needs to receive meals at school
My child is being bullied or harassed at school
My child is pregnant or parenting and needs additional support at school
My child needs more school uniforms
My child is experiencing transportation problems:
Transportation is not set up
Bus is late or not showing up
Trans passes are needed
The pickup or drop off location is wrong
My child needs specialized transportation.
My Child Needs Supports in School
My child needs accommodations for a disability or chronic condition like asthma,
diabetes, anxiety, or other mental o
r behavioral health conditions
I am concerned about my child’s academic or behavioral progress at school
I think my child may need to be evaluated for an IEP to get learning supports at school
My child may need a 504 Plan to get accommodations for learning in school
My child already has a 504 or IEP but needs more support or the Plan is not followed
My child needs English Language (EL) supports
My child needs other supports
Barriers Accessing to Remote or Virtual Learning
My child doesn’t have computer access
The device I got from the school doesn’t work
The device or equipment is broken or missing
I need help using the device or platform the school is using
I need help getting internet access or a hot spot
I want to apply for my child to go to an Access Center where my child can do virtual school
I Need Help Documenting Absences
y child’s doctor won’t give me an excuse note for an appointment or care
The school isn’t accepting the notes I am providing to excuse absences
My child was marked abse
nt on days he/she/they were in school
I or my child was told that my child cannot come back without getting a
psychological evaluation