1800 JFK Blvd., Suite 1900A 429 Fourth Ave., Suite 702
Philadelphia, PA 19103 Pittsburgh, PA 15219
T 215-238-6970 T 412-258-2120
F 215-772-3125 F 412-535-8225
Ensuring that all of Pennsylvania’s children have equal access to a quality public education.
School Attendance Barriers and McKinney-Vento Screener
Compulsory School Age
Is the student between the ages of 6-18 (compulsory school age)? Student’s age:
If the student is no longer of compulsory school age, truancy cannot be pursued.
Contact Information
What is the parent/caregiver’s updated contact information? Provide all current relevant
phone numbers, emails, and current address:
Prior to today when was updated information last collected?
If contact information has been updated, school staff should ensure that all school databases and
departments are notified of the change.
Do the caregivers communicate in a language other than English?
Yes No
If so, what language(s)?
School Enrollment
Does the parent/caregiver need help enrolling a child in school?
Yes No
If yes, all absences should be changed to excused.
McKinney-Vento Eligibility
Students who lack a permanent, adequate nighttime residence are McKinney-Vento eligible and need
to be recognized and provided with support from the school. Use these questions to determine if the
student is eligible. If so, refer the student to the McKinney-Vento liaison.
Does the student have a stable place to stay at night?
Yes No
Is the student’s current housing permanent?
Yes No
If no, refer the student to the McKinney-Vento liaison to be recognized as McKinney-
Vento eligible.
If temporary, is the housing:
with family friends or others due to losing housing or for financial reasons,
shelter or emergency housing,
in a campground, or
in a place that isn’t ordinarily used to live in or has been abandoned
If any of these apply, the student should be referred to the McKinney-Vento
If the housing is permanent, is it adequate? Yes No
For example:
Does the student have basic necessities like a kitchen and bathroom?
Yes No
Does it have Licensing and Inspections (L&I) violations, heat for the winter, or a problem
with pests?
Yes No
If the answer to any of these questions is “no” the student is McKinney-Vento eligible because
they lack adequate housing and should be referred to the McKinney-Vento liaison for services
and supports. This law may apply even if a family holds a lease or a deed.
Unaccompanied Youth Are Also McKinney-Vento Eligible
Is the student living away from/outside of the physical custody of her parent or guardian in
this temporary living situation?
Yes No
If yes, the student is an “unaccompanied homeless youth” under the McKinney-Vento Act and needs
to be recognized as both McKinney-Vento eligible and unaccompanied. The liaison should work with
the student directly.
Technology Barriers
to Student Attendance
Ask the caregiver or youth if there are barriers to virtual attendance:
Yes No_
If yes, which barriers?
Lack of consistent and reliable internet access
Device issues or difficulty logging on
Family needs assistance navigating internet and school-based platforms
Child cannot join classes or is muted as form of school discipline, so the child struggles
to participate
Student joined classes an Access Center and is no longer able to go
If yes, to either of these questions, connect the parent or youth to needed school supports such as
a working device and internet, access to the school’s platforms, technical or digital literacy support
for parents, and applications for Access Centers.
COVID-19-Related Barriers
Are there COVID-19-related barriers preventing the student from attending or staying in school?
(Exposure to COVID-19, need to quarantine, or concerns about adequacy of or adherence to
School Health and Safety Plans)
Yes No_
If COVID-19 barriers exist, the school should connect with the caregiver to provide resources
relating to access virtual platforms, make sure that the family has access to a working device and
internet and connect the family with district resources that can provided support around using he
device or digital literacy.
English Language Instruction and Language Access Barriers
Have school staff communicated with caregivers in their preferred language to address barriers
to attendance?
Yes No
If no, what are the communication issues?
Does the language of the caregiver match the answers given on the Home Language Survey?
If caregivers are identified as speakers whose first language is not English, schools should
provide language access through written translation and verbal interpretation when providing
information based on the caregiver’s preferred language and mode of communication.
Is the student identified as an English language learner?
Yes No
If yes, is the student receiving appropriate daily English language instruction?
Yes No
English language learners should receive daily English language instruction based on their
language proficiency. Newly enrolled students should be appropriately screened for English
language proficiency to determine if daily English language instruction is needed.
Bullying and Harassment
Is the student experiencing bullying and/or harassment?
Yes No
If yes, the school must provide a bullying or harassment complaint form and fully investigate the
Does the caregiver need help making a report, if one has not been made?
Yes No_
If yes, school must provide support to report.
Pregnant and Parenting Student
Is the student expectant or parenting?
Yes No
If yes, connect the student with the staff member responsible for providing accommodations
to expectant or parenting students.
Special Education, Medical, Behavioral Health, and Mental Health Needs
Does the child have academic, behavioral, or medical needs that are preventing the child from
accessing school or virtual learning that still need to be addressed?
Yes No
If the caregiver, members of the School Team, or others involved in the child’s education are
expressing concerns or requesting more supports, please consult with the Special Educator
Director to determine appropriate next steps.
Are there services required by the student’s IEP or 504 that have not been provided? If so, when
did they stop ?
If yes, please consult with the Special Educator Director to determine appropriate next steps to
get appropriate services initiated and determine how much compensatory education is owed to
make up for the disruption in services.
Has the parent asked for the child to be evaluated/reevaluated?
Yes No
If yes, when?
A school must agree to evaluate the child and issue a PTE/PTRE or issue a NOREP declining to evaluate
no later than 10 days after the request is made. The Special Education Coordinator must ensure a
parent receives a timely response to a request, as is required by law.
School Uniforms
Does the student have enough school uniforms that fit and comply with the school’s dress code?
Yes _ No_
Does the student need assistance to obtain a uniform or more uniforms?
Yes No
If yes, connect the family to school uniform resources.
Free and Reduced School Meals
Child should be screened determine eligibility for free or reduced school meals.
Is the child eligible? Yes No
If yes, did the school provide information about how students can receive school-based meals
at home?
Yes No
If yes, Has the school asked the caregiver if the student needs access to food resources over
the weekend?
Yes No
Are there school-based transportation barriers that are preventing regular attending such as:
Transportation is not set up
Bus is late or not showing up
Trans passes are needed
The pickup or drop off location is wrong
Child needs specialized transportation
To gather this information, ask the caregiver and check transportation records. If a barrier is present,
all absences associated with the barrier should be marked as excused and the school should connect
with the transportation department directly to resolve the barriers.
If yes to any of the above questions, connect the family to the staff person who ensures that
eligible children begin to receive school meals, and connect families to any other needed food
Documenting Excused Absences
Has the parent submitted excuse notes that were not accepted by the school?
Yes No
Has the parent faced challenges in providing documentation of an excused absence?
Yes____No ___
If the parent or caregiver has provided excuses notes that were not accepted or faced in challenges
in providing documentation, the School Team should meet with the caregiver to determine whether
the absences should be considered unexcused. After the meeting, if the School Team determines
that the absences will remain as unexcused, the School Team should give the parent notice in writing
with the reason why the notes will not be accepted.