1800 JFK Blvd., Suite 1900A 429 Fourth Ave., Suite 702
Philadelphia, PA 19103 Pittsburgh, PA 15219
T 215-238-6970 T 412-258-2120
F 215-772-3125 F 412-535-8225
Ensuring that all of Pennsylvania’s children have equal access to a quality public education.
School Attendance Barriers and McKinney-Vento Screener
Compulsory School Age
Is the student between the ages of 6-18 (compulsory school age)? Student’s age:
If the student is no longer of compulsory school age, truancy cannot be pursued.
Contact Information
What is the parent/caregiver’s updated contact information? Provide all current relevant
phone numbers, emails, and current address:
Prior to today when was updated information last collected?
If contact information has been updated, school staff should ensure that all school databases and
departments are notified of the change.
Do the caregivers communicate in a language other than English?
Yes No
If so, what language(s)?
School Enrollment
Does the parent/caregiver need help enrolling a child in school?
Yes No
If yes, all absences should be changed to excused.
McKinney-Vento Eligibility
Students who lack a permanent, adequate nighttime residence are McKinney-Vento eligible and need
to be recognized and provided with support from the school. Use these questions to determine if the
student is eligible. If so, refer the student to the McKinney-Vento liaison.
Does the student have a stable place to stay at night?
Yes No
Is the student’s current housing permanent?
Yes No
If no, refer the student to the McKinney-Vento liaison to be recognized as McKinney-
Vento eligible.
If temporary, is the housing:
with family friends or others due to losing housing or for financial reasons,
shelter or emergency housing,
in a campground, or
in a place that isn’t ordinarily used to live in or has been abandoned