EP 160 Faculty Emeritus Rank Request
Updated 4/2016
Faculty Emeritus Rank Request
To qualify for Faculty Emeritus Rank, a faculty member must meet one of the following criteria:
Retire from PPCC under PERA with 15 or more years of service at PPCC at age 65.
Retire from PPCC under PERA with 25 or more years of service at PPCC at any age.
Faculty member will complete the information below and route to appropriate Instructional Dean.
Faculty Member’s Name: _________________________________________ S#__________________
Years of Service at PPCC: _____ Instructional Division: ________________________________
Email Address: ______________________________________________________________________
Faculty Member’s Signature: __________________________________________ Date: _________
Route to appropriate Instructional Dean.
The Instructional Dean will conduct a division faculty vote to support or deny the Emeritus Request.
Division Vote date(s): _______________________________
Request is:
Division Vote certified by: _________________________________________
Dean Signature: __________________________________________________ Date: ________________
HRS notified faculty member: ______
___ ___
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