____________________ (COMPANY NAME), LLC
A Member-Managed Limited Liability Company
THIS OPERATING AGREEMENT is made and entered into effective
___________________ (Month Day, Year), by and among: ___________________
(Member Full Name), ___________________ (Member Full Name), and
___________________ (Member Full Name) (collectively referred to in this agreement
as the "Members").
1.1 Formation. Effective ___________________ (Month Day, Year), the Members form
a limited liability company under the name ___________________ (Company Name),
L.L.C. ___________________ (the "Company") on the terms and conditions in this
Operating Agreement (the "Agreement") and pursuant to Chapter 605 Florida Revised
Limited Liability Company Act (State Law) of the State of Florida (the "Act"). The
Members agree to file with the appropriate agency within the State of Florida charged
with processing and maintaining such records all documentation required for the
formation of the Company. The rights and obligations of the parties are as provided in
the Act except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement.
1.2 Name. The business of the Company will be conducted under the name
___________________ (Company Name), L.L.C., or such other name upon which the
Members may unanimously may agree.
1.3 Purpose. The purpose of the Company is to engage in any lawful act or activity for
which a Limited Liability Company may be formed within the State of Florida.
1.4 Office. The Company will maintain its principal business office within the State of
Florida at the following address:
_________________________________________________________ (Address, City,
State Zip).
1.5 Registered Agent. ___________________ (Full Name) is the Company's initial
registered agent in the State of Florida, and the registered office is
_________________________________________________________ (Address, City,
State Zip).
1.6 Term. The term of the Company commences on ___________________ (Month
Day, Year) and shall continue perpetually unless sooner terminated as provided in this
1.7 Names and Addresses of Members. The Members' names and addresses are
attached as Schedule 1 to this Agreement.
1.8 Admission of Additional Members. Except as otherwise expressly provided in this
Agreement, no additional members may be admitted to the Company through issuance
by the company of a new interest in the Company without the prior unanimous written
consent of the Members.
2.1 Initial Contributions. The Members initially shall contribute to the Company capital
as described in Schedule 2 attached to this Agreement.
2.2 Additional Contributions. No Member shall be obligated to make any additional
contribution to the Company's capital without the prior unanimous written consent of the
2.3 No Interest on Capital Contributions. Members are not entitled to interest or other
compensation for or on account of their capital contributions to the Company except to
the extent, if any, expressly provided in this Agreement.
3.1 Profits/Losses. For financial accounting and tax purposes, the Company's net
profits or net losses shall be determined on an annual basis and shall be allocated to
the Members in proportion to each Member's relative capital interest in the Company as
set forth in Schedule 2 as amended from time to time in accordance with U.S.
Department of the Treasury Regulation 1.704-1.
3.2 Distributions. The Members shall determine and distribute available funds annually
or at more frequent intervals as they see fit. Available funds, as referred to herein, shall
mean the net cash of the Company available after appropriate provision for expenses
and liabilities, as determined by the Managers. Distributions in liquidation of the
Company or in liquidation of a Member's interest shall be made in accordance with the
positive capital account balances pursuant to U.S. Department of the Treasury
Regulation 1.704.1(b)(2)(ii)(b)(2). To the extent a Member shall have a negative capital
account balance, there shall be a qualified income offset, as set forth in U.S.
Department of the Treasury Regulation 1.704.1(b)(2)(ii)(d).
3.3 No Right to Demand Return of Capital. No Member has any right to any return of
capital or other distribution except as expressly provided in this Agreement. No Member
has any drawing account in the Company.
The Company shall indemnify any person who was or is a party defendant or is
threatened to be made a party defendant, pending or completed action, suit or
proceeding, whether civil, criminal, administrative, or investigative (other than an action
by or in the right of the Company) by reason of the fact that he is or was a Member of
the Company, Manager, employee or agent of the Company, or is or was serving at the
request of the Company, against expenses (including attorney's fees), judgments, fines,
and amounts paid in settlement actually and reasonably incurred in connection with
such action, suit or proceeding if the Members determine that he acted in good faith and
in a manner he reasonably believed to be in or not opposed to the best interest of the
Company, and with respect to any criminal action proceeding, has no reasonable cause
to believe his/her conduct was unlawful. The termination of any action, suit, or
proceeding by judgment, order, settlement, conviction, or upon a plea of "no lo
Contendere" or its equivalent, shall not in itself create a presumption that the person did
or did not act in good faith and in a manner which he reasonably believed to be in the
best interest of the Company, and, with respect to any criminal action or proceeding,
had reasonable cause to believe that his/her conduct was lawful
5.1 Management of Company.
5.1.1 The Members, within the authority granted by the Act and the terms of this
Agreement shall have the complete power and authority to manage and operate
the Company and make all decisions affecting its business and affairs.
5.1.2 Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, all decisions and
documents relating to the management and operation of the Company shall be
made and executed by a Majority in Interest of the Members.
5.1.3 Third parties dealing with the Company shall be entitled to rely conclusively
upon the power and authority of a Majority in Interest of the Members to manage
and operate the business and affairs of the Company.
5.2 Decisions by Members. Whenever in this Agreement reference is made to
the decision, consent, approval, judgment, or action of the Members, unless
otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement, such decision, consent,
approval, judgment, or action shall mean a Majority of the Members.
5.3 Withdrawal by a Member. A Member has no power to withdraw from the
Company, except as otherwise provided in Section 8.
6.1 Organization Expenses. All expenses incurred in connection with organization of
the Company will be paid by the Company.
6.2 Salary. No salary will be paid to a Member for the performance of his or her duties
under this Agreement unless the salary has been approved in writing by a Majority of
the Members.
6.3 Legal and Accounting Services. The Company may obtain legal and accounting
services to the extent reasonably necessary for the conduct of the Company's business.
7.1 Method of Accounting. The Company will use the method of accounting previously
determined by the Members for financial reporting and tax purposes.
7.2 Fiscal Year; Taxable Year. The fiscal year and the taxable year of the Company is
the calendar year.
7.3 Capital Accounts. The Company will maintain a Capital Account for each Member
on a cumulative basis in accordance with federal income tax accounting principles.
7.4 Banking. All funds of the Company will be deposited in a separate bank account or
in an account or accounts of a savings and loan association in the name of the
Company as determined by a Majority of the Members. Company funds will be invested
or deposited with an institution, the accounts or deposits of which are insured or
guaranteed by an agency of the United States government.
8.1 Sale or Encumbrance Prohibited. Except as otherwise permitted in this
Agreement, no Member may voluntarily or involuntarily transfer, sell, convey, encumber,
pledge, assign, or otherwise dispose of (collectively, "Transfer") an interest in the
Company without the prior written consent of a majority of the other non-transferring
Members determined on a per capita basis.
8.2 Right of First Refusal. Notwithstanding Section 8.1, a Member may transfer all or
any part of the Member's interest in the Company (the "Interest") as follows:
8.2.1 The Member desiring to transfer his or her Interest first must provide written
notice (the "Notice") to the other Members, specifying the price and terms on
which the Member is prepared to sell the Interest (the "Offer").
8.2.2 For a period of 30 days after receipt of the Notice, the Members may
acquire all, but not less than all, of the Interest at the price and under the terms
specified in the Offer. If the other Members desiring to acquire the Interest cannot
agree among themselves on the allocation of the Interest among them, the
allocation will be proportional to the Ownership Interests of those Members
desiring to acquire the Interest.
8.2.3 Closing of the sale of the Interest will occur as stated in the Offer; provided,
however, that the closing will not be less than 45 days after expiration of the 30-
day notice period.
8.2.4 If the other Members fail or refuse to notify the transferring Member of their
desire to acquire all of the Interest proposed to be transferred within the 30-day
period following receipt of the Notice, then the Members will be deemed to have
waived their right to acquire the Interest on the terms described in the Offer, and
the transferring Member may sell and convey the Interest consistent with the
Offer to any other person or entity; provided, however, that notwithstanding
anything in Section 8.2 to the contrary, should the sale to a third person be at a
price or on terms that are more favorable to the purchaser than stated in the
Offer, then the transferring Member must reoffer the sale of the Interest to the
remaining Members at that other price or other terms; provided, further, that if the
sale to a third person is not closed within six months after the expiration of the
30-day period describe above, then the provisions of Section 8.2 will again apply
to the Interest proposed to be sold or conveyed.
8.2.5 Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of Section 8.2, should the sole
remaining Member be entitled to and elect to acquire all the Interests of the other
Members of the Company in accordance with the provisions of Section 8.2, the
acquiring Member may assign the right to acquire the Interests to a spouse,
lineal descendent, or an affiliated entity if the assignment is reasonably believed
to be necessary to continue the existence of the Company as a limited liability
8.3 Substituted Parties. Any transfer in which the Transferee becomes a fully
substituted Member is not permitted unless and until:
8.3.1 The transferor and assignee execute and deliver to the Company the
documents and instruments of conveyance necessary or appropriate in the
opinion of counsel to the Company to effect the transfer and to confirm the
agreement of the permitted assignee to be bound by the provisions of this
Agreement; and
8.3.2 The transferor furnishes to the Company an opinion of counsel, satisfactory
to the Company, that the transfer will not cause the Company to terminate for
federal income tax purposes or that any termination is not adverse to the
Company or the other Members.
8.4 Death, Incompetency, or Bankruptcy of Member. On the death, adjudicated
incompetence, or bankruptcy of a Member, unless the Company exercises its rights
under Section 8.5, the successor in interest to the Member (whether an estate,
bankruptcy trustee, or otherwise) will receive only the economic right to receive
distributions whenever made by the Company and the Member's allocable share of
taxable income, gain, loss, deduction, and credit (the "Economic Rights") unless and
until a majority of the other Members determined on a per capita basis admit the
transferee as a fully substituted Member in accordance with the provisions of Section
8.4.1 Any transfer of Economic Rights pursuant to Section 8.4 will not include
any right to participate in management of the Company, including any right to
vote, consent to, and will not include any right to information on the Company or
its operations or financial condition. Following any transfer of only the Economic
Rights of a Member's Interest in the Company, the transferring Member's power
and right to vote or consent to any matter submitted to the Members will be
eliminated, and the Ownership Interests of the remaining Members, for purposes
only of such votes, consents, and participation in management, will be
proportionately increased until such time, if any, as the transferee of the
Economic Rights becomes a fully substituted Member.
8.5 Death Buy Out. Notwithstanding the foregoing provision of Section 8, the Members
covenant and agree that on the death of any Member, the Company, at its option, by
providing written notice to the estate of the deceased Member within 180 days of the
death of the Member, may purchase, acquire, and redeem the Interest of the deceased
Member in the Company pursuant to the provision of Section 8.5.
8.5.1 The value of each Member's Interest in the Company will be determined on
the date this Agreement is signed, and the value will be endorsed on Schedule 3
attached and made a part of this Agreement. The value of each Member's
Interest will be redetermined unanimously by the Members annually, unless the
Members unanimously decide to redetermine those values more frequently. The
Members will use their best efforts to endorse those values on Schedule 3. The
purchase price for a decedent Member's interest conclusively is the value last
determined before the death of such Member; provided, however, that if the
latest valuation is more than two years before the death of the deceased
Member, the provisions of Section 8.5.2 will apply in determining the value of the
Member's Interest in the Company.
8.5.2 If the Members have failed to value the deceased Member's Interest within
the prior two-year period, the value of each Member's Interest in the Company on
the date of death, in the first instance, will be determined by mutual agreement of
the surviving Members and the personal representative of the estate of the
deceased Member. If the parties cannot reach an agreement on the value within
30 days after the appointment of the personal representative of the deceased
Member, then the surviving Members and the personal representative each must
select a qualified appraiser within the next succeeding 30 days. The appraisers
so selected must attempt to determine the value of the Company Interest owned
by the decedent at the time of death based solely on their appraisal of the total
value of the Company's assets and the amount the decedent would have
received had the assets of the Company been sold at that time for an amount
equal to their fair market value and the proceeds (after payment of all Company
obligations) were distributed in the manner contemplated in Section 8. The
appraisal may not consider and discount for the sale of a minority Interest in the
Company. In the event the appraisers cannot agree on the value within 30 days
after being selected, the two appraisers must, within 30 days, select a third
appraiser. The value of the Interest of the decedent in the Company and the
purchase price of it will be the average of the two appraisals nearest in amount to
one another. That amount will be final and binding on all parties and their
respective successors, assigns, and representatives. The costs and expenses of
the third appraiser and any costs and expenses of the appraiser retained but not
paid for by the estate of the deceased Member will be offset against the
purchase price paid for the deceased Member's Interest in the Company.
8.5.3 Closing of the sale of the deceased Member's Interest in the Company will
be held at the office of the Company on a date designated by the Company, not
be later than 90 days after agreement with the personal representative of the
deceased Member's estate on the fair market value of the deceased Member's
Interest in the Company; provided, however, that if the purchase price are
determined by appraisals as set forth in Section 8.5.2, the closing will be 30 days
after the final appraisal and purchase price are determined. If no personal
representative has been appointed within 60 days after the deceased Member's
death, the surviving Members have the right to apply for and have a personal
representative appointed.
8.5.4 At closing, the Company will pay the purchase price for the deceased
Member's Interest in the Company. If the purchase price is less than $1,000.00,
the purchase price will be paid in cash; if the purchase price is $1,000.00 or
more, the purchase price will be paid as follows:
(1) $1,000.00 in cash, bank cashier's check, or certified funds;
(2) The balance of the purchase price by the Company executing and delivering
its promissory note for the balance, with interest at the prime interest rate stated
by primary banking institution utilized by the Company, its successors and
assigns, at the time of the deceased Member's death. Interest will be payable
monthly, with the principal sum being due and payable in three equal annual
installments. The promissory note will be unsecured and will contain provisions
that the principal sum may be paid in whole or in part at any time, without
8.5.5 At the closing, the deceased Member's estate or personal representative
must assign to the Company all of the deceased Member's Interest in the
Company free and clear of all liens, claims, and encumbrances, and, at the
request of the Company, the estate or personal representative must execute all
other instruments as may reasonably be necessary to vest in the Company all of
the deceased Member's right, title, and interest in the Company and its assets. If
either the Company or the deceased Member's estate or personal representative
fails or refuses to execute any instrument required by this Agreement, the other
party is hereby granted the irrevocable power of attorney which, it is agreed, is
coupled with an interest, to execute and deliver on behalf of the failing or refusing
party all instruments required to be executed and delivered by the failing or
refusing party.
8.5.6 On completion of the purchase of the deceased Member's Interest in the
Company, the Ownership Interests of the remaining Members will increase
proportionately to their then existing Ownership Interests.
9.1 Dissolution. The Company will be dissolved on the happening of any of the
following events:
9.1.1 Sale, transfer, or other disposition of all or substantially all of the property of
the Company;
9.1.2 The agreement of all of the Members;
9.1.3 By operation of law; or
9.1.4 The death, incompetence, expulsion, or bankruptcy of a Member, or the
occurrence of any event that terminates the continued membership of a Member
in the Company, unless there are then remaining at least the minimum number of
Members required by law and all of the remaining Members, within 120 days
after the date of the event, elect to continue the business of the Company.
9.2 Winding Up. On the dissolution of the Company (if the Company is not continued),
the Members must take full account of the Company's assets and liabilities, and the
assets will be liquidated as promptly as is consistent with obtaining their fair value, and
the proceeds, to the extent sufficient to pay the Company's obligations with respect to
the liquidation, will be applied and distributed, after any gain or loss realized in
connection with the liquidation has been allocated in accordance with Section 3 of this
Agreement, and the Members' Capital Accounts have been adjusted to reflect the
allocation and all other transactions through the date of the distribution, in the following
9.2.1 To payment and discharge of the expenses of liquidation and of all the
Company's debts and liabilities to persons or organizations other than Members;
9.2.2 To the payment and discharge of any Company debts and liabilities owed
to Members; and
9.2.3 To Members in the amount of their respective adjusted Capital Account
balances on the date of distribution; provided, however, that any then
outstanding Default Advances (with interest and costs of collection) first must be
repaid from distributions otherwise allocable to the Defaulting Member pursuant
to Section 9.2.3.
10.1 Amendments. Amendments to this Agreement may be proposed by any Member.
A proposed amendment will be adopted and become effective as an amendment only
on the written approval of all of the Members.
10.2 Governing Law. This Agreement and the rights and obligations of the parties
under it are governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of
Florida (without regard to principles of conflicts of law).
10.3 Entire Agreement; Modification. This Agreement constitutes the entire
understanding and agreement between the Members with respect to the subject matter
of this Agreement. No agreements, understandings, restrictions, representations, or
warranties exist between or among the members other than those in this Agreement or
referred to or provided for in this Agreement. No modification or amendment of any
provision of this Agreement will be binding on any Member unless in writing and signed
by all the Members.
10.4 Attorney Fees. In the event of any suit or action to enforce or interpret any
provision of this Agreement (or that is based on this Agreement), the prevailing party is
entitled to recover, in addition to other costs, reasonable attorney fees in connection
with the suit, action, or arbitration, and in any appeals. The determination of who is the
prevailing party and the amount of reasonable attorney fees to be paid to the prevailing
party will be decided by the court or courts, including any appellate courts, in which the
matter is tried, heard, or decided.
10.5 Further Effect. The parties agree to execute other documents reasonably
necessary to further effect and evidence the terms of this Agreement, as long as the
terms and provisions of the other documents are fully consistent with the terms of this
10.6 Severability. If any term or provision of this Agreement is held to be void or
unenforceable, that term or provision will be severed from this Agreement, the balance
of the Agreement will survive, and the balance of this Agreement will be reasonably
construed to carry out the intent of the parties as evidenced by the terms of this
10.7 Captions. The captions used in this Agreement are for the convenience of the
parties only and will not be interpreted to enlarge, contract, or alter the terms and
provisions of this Agreement.
10.8 Notices. All notices required to be given by this Agreement will be in writing and
will be effective when actually delivered or, if mailed, when deposited as certified mail,
postage prepaid, directed to the addresses first shown above for each Member or to
such other address as a Member may specify by notice given in conformance with
these provisions to the other Members.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties to this Agreement execute this Operating
Agreement as of the date and year first above written.
Printed/Typed Name
Printed/Typed Name
Printed/Typed Name
Listing of Members - Schedule 1
FOR _______________________ (COMPANY NAME), L.L.C.
As of the ____ (Day) day of _______________, 20____ (Month, Year), the following is
a list of Members of the Company:
Authorized by Member(s) to provide Member Listing as of this (Day) day of (Month,
Printed/Typed Name
Printed/Typed Name
Printed/Typed Name
Listing of Capital Contributions - Schedule 2
FOR _____________________ (COMPANY NAME), L.L.C.
Pursuant to ARTICLE 2, the Members' initial contribution to the Company capital is
stated to be $100. The description and each individual portion of this initial contribution
is as follows:
SIGNED AND AGREED this ____ (Day) day of ______________, 20____ (Month,
Printed/Typed Name
Printed/Typed Name
Printed/Typed Name
Listing of Valuation of Members Interest - Schedule 3
FOR ____________________ (COMPANY NAME), L.L.C.
Pursuant to ARTICLE 8, the value of each Member's interest in the Company is
endorsed as follows:
SIGNED AND AGREED this _____ (Day) day of ____________, 20____ (Month, Year).
Printed/Typed Name
Printed/Typed Name
Printed/Typed Name
A notary public or other officer completing this
certificate verifies only the identity of the
individual who signed the document to which
this certificate is attached, and not the
truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that
State of ________________
County of )
On before
personally appeared _______________________________, who proved to me on the basis
of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within
instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their
authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s),
or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument.
I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of __________________
that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct.
WITNESS my hand and official seal.