Foothill and De Anza Colleges
International Student Application
Thank you for applying to Foothill and De Anza Colleges. Once all the required documents are received, you will be issued an
ofcial immigration document and sent an acceptance packet. An orientation is mandatory for all new students and specic dates
will be included in your acceptance packet. During orientation you will be tested for English and math prociency.
Important Dates
Admission Check List
Fall Quarter Winter Quarter
Spring Quarter
Classes begin
Application Deadline
Mandatory Orientation
Late September
June 30
Late August / Early September
Early January
October 31
Early December
Early April
January 31
Early March
The following estimated expenses are for one academic year
(three quarters not including summer):
Tuition and Fees (tuition fees are paid quarterly and are subject to change)
Tuition is based on $191.00/unit for 12 units minimum/quarter; many students take additional units
at $191.00/unit. Summer tuition and related expenses are not included.
Health Insurance - our insurance is required for all F-1 students
Estimated Living Expenses
Books and Supplies
Room and Board (homestay for 10 months at $1,200.00/month - information on page 3)
Spending Money
Total Estimated Cost
Students must be at least 16 years old AND have graduated from secondary/high school by the start of orientation
to be eligible for admission to Foothill and De Anza Colleges.
All application documents MUST be original or certied; no faxes, scans or copies are accepted.
Complete, sign, and return this application form with a copy of the photo page in your passport.
2. Submit proof of English prociency. See page 4 for more information on minimum test scores.
3. Complete the Condential Financial Statement on page 3, which must be signed by the person
guaranteeing your nancial support. Submit an original bank letter dated within the last 6 months
with an ofcial signature on bank letterhead that veries the current balance in USD of your account
or your sponsor’s/ guardian’s account.
4. Submit original or certied English translations of your secondary and post-secondary transcripts.
5. Attach a recent photograph to page 2.
6. Submit a non-refundable credit card authorization for the 75.00 USD application fee and a non-
refundable 75.00 USD express mailing/courier fee to send your acceptance documents outside the U.S.
Download credit card authorization forms for the college to which you are applying from the websites:
www.foothill.edu/international/ad_applic.php | www.deanza.edu/international/admission.html.
7. Submit a Dependent(s) Information Form for spouse and child (if they plan to reside with you in the U.S.)
8. Apply and mail documents to only one college:
Foothill College
Attn: International Programs Ofce
12345 El Monte Road
Los Altos Hills, CA 94022, USA
Telephone 650-949-7293 • Fax 650-949-7080
Email: foothillinternational@fhda.edu
De Anza College
Attn: International Student Programs
21250 Stevens Creek Blvd.
Cupertino CA 95014, USA
Telephone 408-864-8826 • Fax 408-864-5638
Email: dainternational@fhda.edu
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