R&D ________________
SC ________________
SWM ________________
W&S ________________
PCAM Developer Code ________________
Prelim. Plan No. ________________
Prelim. Letter Approval Date ________________
Prelim. Letter Counter Signed Date ________________
Harford County Government
Department of Public Works
Bonding & Permit Administration
212 South Bond Street, Third Floor
Bel Air, MD 21014-3834
RE: ___________________________________________________________________
Subdivision Name Sections / Phases / Lots
Project Name Tax ID
Location / Address Tax Map / Parcel
To whom it may concern:
I/We hereby agree to pay all fees incurred by Harford County for all technical and engineering review staff time and any
inspections required for the above-referenced project. This includes but is not limited to time spent on concept plans and
preliminary plans as well as reviews and inspections for roads and stormdrains, sidewalks, sediment control, stormwater
management and water and sewer as may be required.
I/We understand that Harford County will not approve plans nor issue applicable permits or agreements or process any
other paperwork for this project if the account is in arrears for more than forty-five (45) calendar days.
It is requested that an account be established for and billing be forwarded to the following address:
Company Name: _______________________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________
Corporate Officer or
Property Owner Name: ______________________________________________________________
e-mail address: _______________________________________________________________
Telephone Number: _____________________________ FAX ____________________________
Individual Owner or Corporate Officer Signature Title Date
Attachment: Proof of ownership or of lease (check one)
Oct 2015 Original-DPW Bonding & Permit Admin Copy-Water & Sewer Admin