Troy Development Department
100 South Market Street, Troy, OH 45373-7303
Address of Project: ___________________________________________________________________
Type & Material of Fence: _____________________________________________________________
Applicant/Contractor Name: ____________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________
Phone: _____________________________ Email: ___________________________________
Property Owner Name: ______________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________
Phone: ______________________________Email: __________________________________
Is the fence to be built on: ☐- Corner Lot ☐- Through Lot ☐- Alley to the rear ☐- Limited Access
Do the adjoining properties have an existing fence? ☐- Yes ☐- No
Will this fence add to or connect to an existing fence? ☐- Yes ☐- No
If Yes, what are the type and material of the existing fence(s)? _________________________________
Height of proposed fence: Rear yard: _________ Side Yard: _________ Front Yard: _________
By signing this application, I acknowledge I am authorized by the owner to make this application. The information
presented is accurate. I agree to allow City of Troy employees to enter the property in order to complete
necessary inspections. I agree to conform to all applicable laws of the City. The City of Troy does not enforce
covenants and restrictions.
Signature: ______________________________________________ Date: ____________________
Checklist: Site Plan - ☐ Signed Application - ☐ Fee: $10 - ☐
Each application must have a simple plot plan, drawn to scale,
showing the proposed fence location in relationship to property
lines, streets, buildings and structures located on the property
Processing time is 7-10 Business Days
click to sign
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