Troy Development Department
100 South Market Street, Troy, OH 45373-7303
Zoning Temporary Use Permit:
Type of Project:
-Garden Center (seasonal)
-Const. Trailer/ Real Estate Ofc.
-Seasonal Produce
- PODS/Dumpsters (Private Property Only)
- Festivals
Address of Project
Applicant/Contractor Name: __________________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________
Phone: _____________________________ Email: __________________________________
Property Owner Name: ______________________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________
Phone: ______________________________Email: _________________________________
Total Sq. Ft. of Proposed Use: Height/Stories of Project:
Number of Temporary Uses: Sq.ft. of Each Use:
Start/Up Date: Down Date:
By signing this application, I acknowledge that I am authorized by the owner to make this application. The
information presented is accurate. I agree to allow City of Troy employees to enter the property in order to
complete necessary inspections. I agree to conform to all applicable laws of the City. The City of Troy does not
enforce covenants and restrictions.
Signature: ______________________________________________ Date: ____________________
Checklist: - Site Plan - Property Owner Written Permission - Fee $50
Each application must have a site plan showing the location of the project,
or picture indicating accurate relevant dimensions. All permits are issued to
the applicant, unless otherwise specified. Please contact the Miami County
Building Department (937-440-8121) for additional permits required.
*Processing time:7-10 Business Days
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