Eastern Florida State College
Human Research Protection Program
Institutional Review Board (IRB) Continuing Review/Termination Form
Project Information:
IRB Number of Approved Research Protocol:
Title of Approved Research Protocol:
Principal Investigator:
Name of Principal Investigator:
Name of Advisor/Supervisor:
Participant information:
Number of participants involved to date: Number of participants remaining:
Continuing Review or Termination Request:
Please terminate, research is complete.
Research is not complete and I am requesting an extension to this date:
If you are requesting an extension, please check boxes below to indicate if any of the following apply:
Human participants will not be involved after current IRB approval expires.
Human participants may be involved during any approved extension period.
No changes will be made to previously approved protocol or methodology.
Changes to the protocol or methodology are being requested. (Include IRB Addendum/Modification Request)
Complete and email this form to irb@easternflorida.edu.
If there are any changes to your research, include IRB Addendum/Modification request and updated documents
along with you request to extend the approval period.
Submission of this form does not imply approval; notification will be sent to the PI regarding decision of IRB.
Date Received
by IRB Chair
Date of IRB Vote
(if needed)
Name of Form
Last updated: 2015-04-09
IRB Determination
click to sign
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