Survey Request Form
ions: Please provide as much information about your survey request as possible.
Who will be the point of contact for this survey project?
First Name:
Last Name:
(@easternflorida.edu only)
What is the title of your survey project?
When do you plan on collecting survey answers?
Start Date: Click here to enter a date.
End Date: Click here to enter a date.
What is the purpose of the survey you are hoping to create and distribute?
What populati
on are your survey is intended for?
Other (please describe)
How can t
he Office of Institutional Effectiveness Help?
(Check all that apply)
Collect survey responses via Survey Monkey
Collect survey responses via Banner
Help develop survey questions
Help develop survey sampling plan
Help analyze the results of responses collected
Please c
reate a message to invite your respondents to answer the survey. This brief message should provide details
about the purpose of the survey and how the results will be used.
Please create a thank you message for the survey.
Last updated November 24, 2014
*When you click submit, your email application will open and attach this form to an email.
Please attach any draft questions that you may have in addition to this form prior to clicking
send on the email.